by Lindsay Fujimoto, MPA Student Ambassador

February 20, 2021

Brigid Olson was recently awarded the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Equity and Inclusion Fellowship. Through this fellowship, Brigid had the opportunity to attend the virtual 2020 Fall Research Conference and will be attending the 2021 conference in Austin, TX. This fellowship creates the opportunity for underrepresented students to network with other fellows and members of APPAM as well as receive mentorship from a professional within the field to guide fellows along their career and education path. This supports the overall goal of the fellowship to “introduce recipients to the world of public policy and APPAM, and foster a lifelong affiliation and engagement with both.” 

When asked what motivated her to want to do the fellowship, Brigid cited her interest in public policy and a future in management and the driving forces behind her decision and her experience thus far with the fellowship has only spurred that interest. Reflecting on this year’s conference, Brigid says that it “opened my eyes up to the vast array of different topics that fall within the Public Policy range. It will definitely be something that I keep in mind after completion of the MPA program this Spring, so that I don’t feel like I have to fit within a box because of my degree.” In the fall, Brigid will be returning to the APPAM conference, where her fellowship and newly earned MPA degree will certainly complement each other and spur further learning.

When she first applied, Brigid recalls feeling unsure about her chances to compete with other second year MPA students and doctoral candidates. “My advice is to just apply!”  She emphasized that it is a great experience for anyone interested in public policy.

Brigid is currently a second year Tacoma MPA student and works for the Boys and Girls Clubs – Eastside Branch. She has a passion for working with youth, a field she has worked in for over a decade.