Having just gone through the process as a recently appointed finalist and Evergreen MPA graduate, I want to encourage Evergreen MPA students to consider applying for the Presidential Management Fellowship (PMF) and share a bit about my experience. The PMF program is a two-year, post-graduate fellowship that provides fellows with the chance to work in federal government roles throughout the country while receiving unique leadership development opportunities.

The multi-stage application process—from applicant to finalist and then fellow—can seem daunting but is worth the effort. The annual application opens for two weeks in the fall every year. While this seems like a short time, much of the preparation can be completed before the application opens. Additionally, the PMF program office holds informational sessions for interested applicants leading up to the application period and has robust information on the PMF website (https://www.pmf.gov/) I found a thorough review of this information to be invaluable as I navigated the application process.

Once selected as a finalist, you are eligible to apply for positions normally unavailable to recent graduates. PMF hiring managers recognize that finalists are recent graduates who may not have extensive professional experience but have the aptitude and drive to learn quickly on the job and excel in a range of opportunities. Even if you are not sure the PMF program is right for you, I still urge you to apply. Just being named as a finalist is a point of pride and can help your post-MPA job search, wherever it might lead you.

I encourage you all to learn more about the program and wish the best of luck to those who apply. I will be rooting for you!