Math Exam 2 – information and preparation suggestions

  • Math Exam 2 is Tue. Dec. 5 starting promptly at 9am in Sem 2 C1105.
    • The Exam will concentrate on material since Math Exam 1, but the material is necessarily cumulative. Since Math Exam 1, you have completed Math Problem Sets #5 – #8 and Quiz #5 – #7.
    • The exam will be written with the intent that well prepared students can finish it in approximately 2 hours.
    • We will ask for the exam to be submitted by 12:30pm.
    • The physics review session begins at 1 pm in Sem 2 C4107.
  • For the exam, you will be allowed:
    • your calculating device;
    • your writing tools;
    • scratch paper (provided);
    • personally prepared 8.5inch by 11inch note sheet.
  • The exam will consist of:
    • A multiple-choice section that has minimal computation but is highly conceptual;
    • A problem-solving section that will require computation and have problems of varying levels of difficulty.

How to prepare for this exam? If you have been able to: complete the Readings and Reading Responses; engage in Lectures; participate in Workshops; complete Math Labs; complete Math Problem Sets in your Problem Set Notebook and via WebAssign; complete Quizzes and Quiz Revisions; and go to the QuaSR and Program Tutoring and work in Study Groups, then you have had multiple ways to learn the material and have been preparing for this demonstration of understanding already. More specifically, as your time and attention allow (there’s more listed below than anyone can do, so be strategic in your choices):