MasteringPhysics and Week 2 Reading Response

You should now find on MasteringPhysics an assignment called Week 2 Reading. This is the Reading Response due at 8 PM Sunday in your weekly workflow. The reading assignment itself is quite long and involves challenging concepts. If you find yourself overwhelmed focus on Chapter 2 and let me know this in your Reading Response.

If you are not yet registered for MasteringPhysics you should still send me a Reading Response. To do this simply email me at addressing one or more of the following questions:

  • What section of your assigned reading did you find the most confusing?
  • What concepts would you like the instructor to explain in lecture?
  • What material was most interesting?

If you have registered for MasteringPhysics you should have completed the Introduction to MasteringPhysics assignment. If you have not done so yet, you should attempt it soon in order to practice using the system well in advance of the Monday 6 PM due date for the Week 1 HW: Ch 1 assignment.

Finally, I’ve added a Physics Primer assignment that has a due date in the distant future. This assignment covers a grab bag of math skills you might wish to practice. It is completely optional; it’s just one more chance to work on any skills you may be struggling with. The topics are

  • Scientific Notation
  • Calculator Use
  • Unit Conversions
  • Working with Fractions
  • Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
  • Solving Two Equations and Two Unknowns
  • Interpreting Graphs-Lines
  • Right Triangles
  • Inverse Trigonometric Functions