Journal Entry 5: Sarah Alisbeth Fox
I really enjoyed hearing what Sarah Alisbeth fox had to say. Not only was she well educated on what she had to say to us but also inspiring. I admire her confidence, perseverance and dedication to her passion. She was able to not only keep the listener interested but also get them to think of their own questions about the issues presented. She knew how to craft her information in a way that would draw people’s attention, a real artist. It was nice being able to see where an Evergreen Alumni has done with their education. For some reason the fact that she said she was an “overeducated waitress” really stuck out to me. I think I just find it amusing because as a college student one of the most common fears is getting an education and then not being able to apply it into a career or do something meaningful with your degree. Sarah kind of slaps that fear and stigma in the face, as she has done so much with her education and passion. Being a waitress neither defines her or limits her from doing incredible things.
I think one of the biggest things I took away from her speaking was inspiration. I was interested in what she had to say but what I left with was more of a revitalization of my own creative energy. She explained that she had never had an interest in nuclear power before, and never saw herself going where she went but still ended up falling in love. This helped me feel less scared about the future, as I felt a sense of faith that the universe will open the doors that need to be opened on my journey to my own success. I remembered that you don’t always have to know where the road is taking you, but you can still enjoy the ride. I know as long as I continue to apply myself to my passions and gifts, and continue to work hard; the path will take me somewhere good.