*Interpretation of information, in class a classmate brought up their opinion on it how the narrator/ author of the piece will share information with the reader but that person who created the piece isn’t just giving us the facts but their opinion on the subject too whether that it’s intentional or not. And I couldn’t help but agree because like the quote says there is always two sides to a story. When i think of an example for this I think of how history is set up for us from children to adults, I remember learning about Christopher Columbus. Our young history books encouraged us to celebrate the holiday because “with out Christopher Columbus North America wouldn’t have been discovered.” Way down the line a young adult I find out that Christopher Columbus did come to South America, traveled the lands and came up to North America. But they so happened to leave out that the Spanish took over the land, impregnated women, forced their religion on them. And the fact that there has been more than just Christopher Columbus who has traveled to North America. I get the fact for discretion for children but because of a historian who decided to teach children about this subject and with out consent to the reader (in this case intentionally for the young audience, but then those kids are not given the entirety of the story and can like me grow up think one thing and one day realize, I was celebrating a massacre ( you know.)