When I finally get the chance to take a walk in the woods, my world relaxes and I wonder to myself “what is so important?… that I spend all of this time away from the woods, a forest, nature, laying in a field, hiking, etc?”. How could these things I fill my day up with be SOO important?
After all, I do have ambition. I want to create this and participate in that, But my life gets filled up with all of these obligations and ambitions and I lose all of the time I COULD USE to sit quietly or to take a walk in the woods. To lay in a field and feel the ferns rustle and the planes fly overhead.
I will even walk in the rain! I enjoy it just as much! (I am not a fan of the destructive being known as John Lennon but I do appreciate some of his words) “When the rain comes, they run and hide their heads. They might as well be dead. When the rain comes. I can show you that when it rains and shines. It’s just a state of mind. I can show you”.