Exhibition Statements & Questions, closing tomorrow March 8th, 2017.
“For a small public institution, Evergreen has a pretty unprecedented breadth and depth of media equipment and facilities available to the campus community. I was in awe when I saw Media Loan and the CCAM TV studio on my first visit to the college. We also have and teach some media resources that have become very rare, like 16mm film production. It’s really special for me and for students to have access to this array of tools outside of a film school.”
Julie Levin Russo is a Faculty Member at Evergreen, working in the field of media studies. Her piece Oh, Internet is currently on display in Evergreen Gallery’s faculty/staff exhibition, Statements & Questions. Her work is about evoking visually the fertility and unruliness of collisions between forms and cultures that we’re witnessing in remix today. “The music video mashup that I have in the gallery show was part of the introduction to a journal issue I co-edited on the topic of Fan / Remix Video.”
Julie values the learning experience she’s had in Mediaworks at Evergreen. “I believe that building skills in media criticism makes you a stronger creator and building skills in creating media makes you a stronger critic, and that approach is a unique feature of our curriculum.” She also believes anyone can learn the technical aspects of a pieces of equipment. However, developing the analytical, conceptual, and creative skills to say something through craft is the most important learning a college can offer. “Through our interdisciplinary coordinated studies model and intensive media and art programs, Evergreen students can get the foundations to make truly innovative and socially engaged work.”
Statements & Questions: Select Works of Faculty and Staff Of The Evergreen State College closing tomorrow March 8th, 2017 in The Evergreen Gallery.