Adekunle, B., Filson, G., & Sethuratnam, S. (2012). Culturally appropriate vegetables and economic development. A contextual analysis. Appetite59, 148–154.

Adeniji, O. T., & Aloyce, A. (2012). Farmer’s Knowledge of Horticultural Traits and Participatory Selection of African Eggplant Varieties (Solanum aethiopicum) in Tanzania. Tropicultura30(3), 185–191.

Aguessy, S., Idossou, R., Dassou, A. G., Yêyinou Laura Estelle, L., Yelome, O. I., Gbaguidi, A. A., Agre, P. A., Dansi, A., & Agbangla, C. (2021). Ethnobotanical characterization of scarlet eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum L.) varieties cultivated in Benin (West Africa). Journal of Agriculture and Food Research5, 100173.

Akinyode, E. T., Kehinde, Olomide Oluwatosin Aanuoluwapo, Oyedeji, Eniola Omotola, Aderibigbe, Olaide Ruth, Akinpelu, Oladunni Ayoola, Oke, O. A., Akinleye, Omolara Christiana, & Lukman, F. B. (2023). Selection of candidate varieties of garden egg (Solanum aethiopicum) in an on-station trial using multi-disciplinary approach. Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews9, 131–138.


The paper titled “Selection of candidate varieties of garden egg (Solanum aethiopicum) in an on-station trial using multi-disciplinary approach” by Esther Tolulope Akinyode et al., published in Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews in 2023, presents a comprehensive study conducted at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Ibadan, Nigeria, during the rainy season of 2021. The study focused on selecting the best candidate varieties for multi-locational trials among seven improved varieties and two local checks of garden egg. 

The research employed a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications to evaluate the agronomic and yield characters of the nine garden egg varieties. Additionally, the tolerance of these varieties to Anthracnose and Tuta absoluta, analysis of Fatty acid Methyl Esters, and sensory evaluation by a panel of twelve judges were also conducted. The findings reveal significant variations among the agronomic and yield-related characters, with L03 emerging as the best-performing variety in terms of yield, followed by L06 and L01. 

Moreover, the study observed that all seven improved garden egg varieties were tolerant to Anthracnose, with L03 exhibiting the highest yield but also high susceptibility to Tuta absoluta. Conversely, YALO demonstrated good tolerance to the disease. Fatty acid analysis showed that L03 had the highest Saturated Fatty Acids (SFAs) and very low Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs), while YALO had low SFAs and high PUFAs, making it a suitable choice for nutritional quality. Sensory evaluation indicated that L02 was the most acceptable in taste, followed by L06 and L01. 

Based on the overall assessment, L06, L08, and L01 were selected for multi-locational trials and future release, considering their yield performance, disease resistance, and sensory appeal. The study highlights the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach in breeding programs for garden egg varieties, emphasizing the need for genetic improvement and selection of desirable traits to enhance the nutritional and economic value of the crop.  

The detailed experimental methods, data collection procedures, and analytical techniques employed in this study provide valuable insights into the selection process of improved garden egg varieties, shedding light on the potential for further research and breeding efforts in developing novel and high-performance cultivars of Solanum aethiopicum. 

Anderson, N. (2014, December 18). Applying Lime to Raise Soil pH for Crop Production (Western Oregon). Extension Communications; Oregon State University Extension Service.

Botey, H. M., et al. “Temperature and Light Effects on Germination Behavior of African Eggplant (Solanum Aethiopicum L.) Seeds.” Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 9 May 2022, 

C, D. M., N, L. R., W, H. J., & C. Duranton. (2000). Eggplants: present and future. HAL (Le Centre Pour La Communication Scientifique Directe)19, 11–18.

Chaney, D. (2017). How to Conduct Research on Your Farm or Ranch. In Ag Innovations Series TECHNICAL BULLETIN: Peer-reviewed research findings and practical strategies for advancing sustainable agriculture systems. SARE.


Developing and conducting on-farm research projects can be a valuable way for farmers to gather specific and relevant data to address challenges and opportunities within their own farming systems. By following a systematic approach, farmers can design and implement research projects that provide evidence-based insights to support decision-making and improve outcomes on their farms. Identify a research question. Before starting any research project, it’s essential to clearly define the question or problem you want to address. This research question should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to guide the rest of your project.  

Review existing literature and resources. Conduct a thorough review of existing research, resources, and best practices related to your research question. By understanding what is already known, you can build upon existing knowledge and ensure that your research project adds new insights to the field. Define variables and measurements. Once you have a clear research question, identify the variables and measurements that will help you answer that question. These may include crop yields, soil health indicators, pest populations, input costs, or other relevant data points. It’s important to choose measures that will give you the most useful information to address your research question.  

Develop an experimental design. Experimental design involves planning your field trials’ layout in a way that will allow you to obtain the most clear and concise data to answer your research question. There are many different types of experimental designs, but the most common for on-farm research is the randomized complete block design. This design involves randomly assigning treatments to plots within blocks that are as uniform as possible. By having blocks, you are accounting for any variability within the field that could influence the results of your experiment.  

Once you have your experimental design, it’s time to choose the locations within your farm where you will conduct the research. It’s important to consider factors such as soil type, topography, and accessibility to ensure that your field plots are representative of your overall farm. Mapping out your field plots will help you implement the project accurately and collect data efficiently. This step involves planting your field plots, applying treatments as planned, and following your experimental design. It’s crucial to maintain consistency in how treatments are applied and ensure that data collection is done systematically to avoid bias in your results.  

Make observations and keep records throughout the season. Throughout the growing season, it’s important to monitor the progress of your field plots, take note of any changes or observations, and keep detailed records of any data collected. This information will form the basis of your analysis later. At the end of the season, or at the designated time points in your experiment, collect all the data you have been recording, including yield data, plant health measurements, pest numbers, or any other variables you have chosen to measure. Make sure to follow your data collection plan to ensure accuracy and consistency.  

Once you have collected all the data, it’s time to analyze it using statistical techniques. This analysis will help you determine if there are significant differences between the treatments and whether these differences are due to the treatments themselves or are just random chance. Based on your data analysis, interpret the results and draw conclusions about whether your research hypothesis was supported or not. Consider the implications of your findings for your farm and future management decisions and be cautious about making broad generalizations beyond what the data shows. 

Colley, M., Dawson, J., Zystro, J., Healy, K., Myers, J., Behar, H., & Becker, K. (2018). The Grower’s Guide to Conducting On-farm Variety Trials

Annotation #1: Why do variety trials?

The author begins by acknowledging that farmers may see variety trials as just another task on their to-do list, but stresses that incorporating trials into an annual farm plan can ultimately help growers optimize their operations and avoid common production pitfalls. The first key reason given for conducting variety trials is to optimize organic systems. Organic producers have fewer input options for managing crop stresses compared to conventional farmers, so finding varieties that are well-suited to organic production is crucial for success. It is noted that research suggests that varieties that perform well in organic settings may differ from those in conventional settings, making variety trials particularly useful for organic farmers.

Another reason for conducting trials is to find varieties that can fill market niches or seasonal needs. By identifying unique or exceptional varieties, farmers can differentiate themselves in the marketplace and attract new customers. Testing new varieties in trials can ensure they are adapted to growing conditions and align with seasonal needs. The chapter highlights the funding gap in public organic plant breeding and seed research, emphasizing the importance of on-farm variety trials in contributing valuable information to help determine priorities for future organic seed breeding.

Variety trials can also help farmers replace dropped varieties or reduce dependence on a single variety, reducing risk in farming systems and providing feedback to seed companies. Compliance with organic certification requirements is also mentioned as a reason for conducting variety trials, as growers must use organically grown seeds to maintain certification. Variety trials can help identify organic varieties equivalent in quality, productivity, and purpose to conventional varieties. The chapter also touches on the benefits of choosing organic seed, including supporting investments in a seed system responsive to organic growers’ needs and reducing the chemical footprint of conventional seed production.

Addressing climatic challenges is another reason given for conducting variety trials, as different varieties may respond differently to environmental stresses. Variety trials can help farmers adapt to changing climate conditions by finding varieties well-suited to new challenges. The chapter suggests using a worksheet to document efforts to find organic replacements for conventional varieties and communicate these findings to certifiers, highlighting the importance of ongoing communication and documentation in variety trials.

Annotation #2: Planning the Trial

The chapter begins by emphasizing the importance of clearly identifying trial goals, as they will inform decisions about trial timing, plot size, management practices, data collection, and result interpretation. Examples of trial goals include identifying pest-resistant varieties, replacing discontinued varieties, finding varieties with specific culinary qualities, or selecting varieties with particular agronomic characteristics.

Prioritizing crops is discussed as not all crops can be trialed, so growers should focus on economically significant crops or unique specialty crops that may open new market opportunities. Integrating trials into a long-term plan helps refine farming systems by continuously improving crop and variety selections. The chapter provides tips from Cattail Organics on how to prioritize crops based on economic significance, difficulty in growing, seasonal weaknesses, changes in management practices, and potential market niches.

Selecting trial varieties and acquiring seed is highlighted as an important step, with growers encouraged to create a description of ideal crop characteristics before seeking recommendations from seed catalogs or company representatives. Seed selected should align with trial goals and farm management approach. The chapter suggests utilizing public variety trial reports, networking with other growers, and collaborating on trials to discover potential trial varieties aligned with goals. It also includes tips for planning trials from Cattail Organics, such as talking to seed company representatives and conducting multi-window trials for succession planting crops.

The importance of including a check variety in trials is emphasized, serving as a point of comparison for all other varieties in the trial to assess performance and communicate results to others. Advice on creating a trial plan is provided, including considerations for timing, starting small, and fitting trials into existing workflow and management calendar. Worksheets and sample datasheets are included in appendices to aid in trial planning and data collection. The chapter stresses the importance of thoughtful planning in conducting variety trials to ensure the time and effort put into the trials yield useful and meaningful results for growers.

Annotation #3: Designing the Trial

The chapter underscores the importance of designing variety trials to focus on differences in varieties rather than field or management conditions. While complete elimination of field variability is challenging, trials should account for environmental variability and highlight variety differences despite imperfect field conditions. Two main trial designs are discussed: replicated trials, where varieties are planted in multiple plots to compare accurately, and screening trials, where varieties are planted in only one plot to provide a preliminary comparison.

Replicated trials require more effort but offer greater accuracy in results compared to screening trials. The section on experimental design elaborates on field variation, highlighting factors like slope, soil moisture, pest pressure, and temperature that can influence trial outcomes. Different trial designs are recommended based on the type of information desired and the level of field uniformity. The use of block designs in replicated trials to account for field variation is emphasized, with tips on randomizing plot locations within blocks to ensure unbiased results. Replication aids in controlling for variable field conditions and enhances result reliability.

Guidelines for planting trial plots, sizing, and replication are provided, including minimum plant numbers per plot for various crop families. Tips for managing trial plots and ensuring consistency with commercial production practices are also shared, emphasizing the importance of field uniformity. The chapter includes a case study showcasing the practical application of experimental design in a fennel variety trial, with steps on randomizing varieties, setting up plots, and mapping the trial site.

Repetition of trials over multiple years and consistency in management practices are recommended for reliable and meaningful trial results. The chapter concludes with the importance of repeating trials across years, ensuring consistency in management practices, and highlighting the benefits of screening and replicated trials in assessing variety performance under varying field conditions.

Annotation #4: Evaluating the Trial

This chapter focuses on evaluating on-farm variety trials based on identified goals. It emphasizes the importance of selecting specific evaluation criteria aligned with trial planning and key traits. Evaluation criteria can be extensive or focused, with a recommendation to narrow down to five or six important criteria to ensure efficiency. Quantitative or qualitative evaluations may be chosen based on the trait being evaluated.

The chapter provides guidance on the timing and logistics of evaluation, highlighting the importance of evaluating traits at different growth stages. It suggests multiple evaluations for traits like disease incidence and emphasizes the need for standardized data collection. Different assessment methods, including measurement, rating, ranking, and qualitative evaluations, are discussed along with their respective benefits and trade-offs.

The chapter emphasizes the importance of consistent data collection methods and notes throughout the season. The chapter also covers sensory evaluation, including tips for taste testing, peak maturity sampling, environmental factors, sample representation, and health and safety considerations. It distinguishes between hedonic and descriptive analysis for sensory evaluation.

Tips for efficient data collection, including walking through the trial field, individual plot evaluation, note-taking, and ranking varieties, are provided. The importance of data labeling, standardization, and storage for later reference is emphasized. Sensory evaluation tips for taste testing, such as sample representation and health precautions, are discussed. The chapter concludes by highlighting the value of data analysis in informing decision-making and refining trial impressions. 

Annotation #5: Making Sense of the Data

This chapter focuses on analyzing the data collected from on-farm variety trials. It highlights the importance of reviewing trial goals to determine the approach for data analysis based on the specific goals set at the trial’s outset. Qualitative and quantitative data are analyzed differently. Qualitative evaluations involve summarizing observations for each trait, comparing notes for each variety in replicated trials, and ranking varieties based on traits. Quantitative data, such as measurements, ratings, or rankings, can be analyzed by looking for patterns without the need for statistical analysis.

The process of viewing and entering data into a spreadsheet, like Microsoft Excel, is discussed to facilitate analysis and comparison. An example of a yield table is provided to demonstrate how to compare varieties based on average scores and individual replications. The chapter emphasizes the importance of considering replication and analyzing trait performance over time. It suggests creating line graphs to visually represent data collected at various time points to track trends in trait performance. Statistical analysis, including the calculation of mean, standard error, least significant difference (LSD), and p-value, is discussed for replicated trials. Tools like the Organic Seed Alliance’s variety trial analysis tool can help growers analyze data statistically.

The chapter discusses methods for identifying the top-performing varieties based on priorities, overall ratings, and multiple-year trials. It also covers the importance of considering cost-effectiveness when selecting varieties based on performance and seed costs. The perspective of certifiers regarding organic varieties and the importance of performance characteristics in comparing organic and nonorganic varieties are also highlighted. The chapter provides practical guidance on how to interpret and utilize data from on-farm variety trials to make informed decisions for future planting and variety selection. 

Díaz-Pérez, J. C., & Eaton, T. E. (2015). Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Plant Growth and Fruit Yield as Affected by Drip Irrigation Rate. HortScience50(11), 1709–1714.

Dierking, P. (2018, August). Refugee grows african eggplants in US (H. Do, Ed.). Voice of America – Learning English; Voice of America.

Doucoure, K. (2022). Assessing financial feasibility of african eggplant production – SARE grant management system.; SARE.

Essien, N. M., Nwangwa, J. N., Mfem, C. C., Uket, Johnbull Martins, & Archibong, Efiok Aniekan. (2021). Effect of Solanum gilo leaf extract on some haematological indices of albino Wistar rats. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews12, 108–111.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2024). African garden egg. FAO; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Gad-El, M., Moula, A., Farag, M., & Aly. (2016). Response of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) to Application of some Organic Fertilizers under Different Colors of Plastic Mulch. In Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research

Gingell, T., Murray, K., Correa-Velez, I., & Gallegos, D. (2022). Determinants of food security among people from refugee backgrounds resettled in high-income countries: A systematic review and thematic synthesis. PLOS ONE17, e0268830.

Govindasamy, R., Vranken, van, Sciarappa, W., Ayeni, A., Puduri, V. S., Pappas, K., Simon, J. E., Mangan, F., Lamberts, M., & McAvoy, G. (2010). Ethnic crop opportunities for growers on the east coast: a demand assessment. The Journal of Extension48, 1–9.


This paper explores the potential for expanding the production of ethnic crops on the U.S. East Coast based on consumer demand, specifically targeting four distinct ethnic groups – Chinese, Asian Indians, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans. By conducting consumer surveys, the study identifies the specific ethnic crops in greatest demand for each group, such as Baby Pak Choy and Oriental Eggplant for Chinese consumers, Bottle Gourd and Bitter Melon for Asian Indians, Chili Jalapeno and Tomatillo for Mexicans, and Aji Dulce and Batata for Puerto Ricans. The research aims to bridge the gap between consumers, distributors, and growers by taking a market-first approach to understand emerging consumer trends and needs.

The methodology involved conducting surveys with a total of 1,084 consumers from the four ethnic groups to gather data on purchasing behaviors, preferences, and willingness to pay for ethnic produce. The results indicated that there is a strong demand for ethnic crops in the region, with consumers displaying a preference for purchasing from ethnic grocery stores rather than traditional American retail grocery stores. Factors such as freshness, quality, selection, and price influenced purchasing decisions, with Asian Indians showing a higher price elasticity of demand for ethnic produce.

The study also examined the relationship between demographic factors such as education and income levels with the willingness to pay for ethnic produce. Results showed that higher education levels and income were associated with a greater willingness to pay for ethnic crops. The paper provides detailed tables presenting the expenditure data for each ethnic group and estimates market potential for ethnic crops among the studied populations.

The paper concludes by presenting a list of selected crops for field production trials based on consumer demand and production feasibility. Overall, the research suggests that local growers on the East Coast could benefit from producing ethnic crops to meet the growing demand among the diverse ethnic populations in the region. The study emphasizes the importance of understanding consumer preferences and market dynamics in guiding production decisions for commercial farmers.

Gruère, G., & Timpo, S. (2007). Marketing underutilized crops: The case of the African garden egg (Solanum aethiopicum) in Ghana. Www.academia.edu

Hack, H., et al. Growth Stages of Mono-and Dicotyledonous Plants, BBCH Monograph, Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, 2001, 

Han, M., Opoku, K. N., Nana, & Su, T. (2021). Solanum aethiopicum: The nutrient-rich vegetable crop with great economic, genetic biodiversity and pharmaceutical potential. Horticulturae7, 126.


Solanum aethiopicum, commonly known as Ethiopian eggplant or African nightshade, is a valuable vegetable crop that is rich in nutrients and possesses medicinal properties. This underutilized plant has great potential for economic, genetic biodiversity, and pharmaceutical applications. In this article, we explore the significance of S. aethiopicum in agriculture and human health.

Solanum aethiopicum exhibits diverse genetic and physiological traits that make it a resilient and versatile crop. It is rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a valuable source of nutrition. The plant’s adaptability to different environmental conditions and ability to withstand pests and diseases contribute to its potential for sustainable agriculture.

Propagation of S. aethiopicum can be achieved through seeds, cuttings, or tissue culture methods. Various cultivation techniques, including soil preparation, irrigation, fertilization, and pest management, are essential for optimal growth and yield of the crop. By implementing proper cultivation practices, farmers can maximize the potential of S. aethiopicum as a high-yielding vegetable crop.

Solanum aethiopicum harbors a diverse gene pool that can be utilized for breeding improved cultivars with desired traits such as disease resistance and higher yields. Conservation efforts are crucial to preserving the genetic diversity of S. aethiopicum and ensuring its long-term sustainability. Establishing gene banks and promoting the exchange of germplasm can help safeguard this valuable genetic resource.

Advancements in molecular techniques have enabled researchers to explore the genetic diversity of S. aethiopicum and identify key genes associated with important traits. These genetic markers can be used for breeding programs to develop improved cultivars that meet the needs of farmers and consumers. Genetic transformation techniques offer the potential for introducing valuable traits into S. aethiopicum for enhanced productivity and quality.

In addition to its nutritional value, S. aethiopicum possesses medicinal properties that have been used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments. The plant contains bioactive compounds such as phenolics, flavonoids, and alkaloids, which exhibit antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and other therapeutic activities. Further research is needed to uncover the full potential of these phytochemicals for the development of natural remedies and pharmaceutical products.

Future research on S. aethiopicum should focus on expanding our understanding of its genetic diversity, exploring its medicinal properties, and developing improved cultivars with enhanced traits. Conservation efforts, promotion of nutraceutical applications, and sustainable cultivation practices are essential for unlocking the full potential of this underutilized crop species.

Harper, A. (2018, July). Food access and culture: What it means for immigrant and refugee populations.; Michigan State University.

He, J., Reddy, G. V. P., Liu, M., & Shi, P. (2020). A general formula for calculating surface area of the similarly shaped leaves: Evidence from six Magnoliaceae species. Global Ecology and Conservation23, e01129.

Healy, G. K., & Dawson, J. C. (2019). Participatory plant breeding and social change in the Midwestern United States: perspectives from the Seed to Kitchen Collaborative. Agriculture and Human Values, 36(4), 879–889.

Horneck, D. A., Sullivan, D. M., Owen, J., & Hart, J. M. (2014, December 18). Soil Test Interpretation Guide. Extension Communications; Oregon State University Extension Service.

Hearst, M. O., Yang, J., Friedrichsen, S., Lenk, K., Caspi, C., & Laska, M. N. (2021). The availability of culturally preferred fruits, vegetables and whole grains in corner stores and non-traditional food stores. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18, 5030–5030.

Hill, D. E. (2001). Specialty crops: okra, leek, sweet potato and jilo. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.


The Jilo trials conducted from 1998 to 2000 in Windsor and Mt. Carmel provided valuable insights into the cultivation of this tropical vegetable in Connecticut, shedding light on the significance of management strategies and environmental challenges in optimizing yield and quality. The study emphasized the importance of cultivar selection, planting dates, spacing, and the use of black plastic mulch to enhance growth and productivity of Jilo plants. Mulching with black plastic was found to significantly increase cumulative yield and promote earlier harvests, with a notable impact on the ‘Teresopolis Gigante’ cultivar in both Windsor and Mt. Carmel. 

In addition to management strategies, the trials also highlighted the environmental challenges that can affect Jilo cultivation. Drought conditions in 1999 had a substantial negative impact on yields, leading to flower abortion and limited fruit set. Adequate irrigation practices were identified as crucial during dry periods to mitigate moisture stress and ensure optimal plant growth. Monitoring and managing insect and disease issues, such as Colorado potato beetles and verticillium wilt, were also identified as critical components of successful Jilo cultivation. The study underscored the importance of adapting cultivation practices to local environmental conditions to mitigate risks and enhance crop resilience. 

Furthermore, the research shed light on the role of soil health and fertility in Jilo cultivation. The trials underscored the importance of maintaining balanced soil nutrient levels and incorporating organic matter to support plant growth and yield. Soil testing and amendment recommendations were highlighted as key components of successful Jilo cultivation, emphasizing the holistic approach required to ensure optimal crop performance. The study provided a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing Jilo cultivation in Connecticut, emphasizing the importance of effective management strategies, environmental resilience, and soil health in achieving successful outcomes. 

Horneck, D. A., Sullivan, D. M., Owen , J., & Hart, J. M. (2014, December 18). Soil Test Interpretation Guide. Extension Communications; Oregon State University Extension Service.

Hunt, R. (1990). Basic growth analysis: plant growth analysis for beginners. London Unwin Hyman.

Ienciu, A., Bei, M., Cărbunar, M., Cărbunar, M., & Vidican, O. (2022). THE FUNCTIONAL NUTRITIONAL VALUE AND THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF CONSUMING EGGPLANT. University of Oradea.

Johnny’s Selected Seeds. (2019).

Keatinge, J. D. H., Wang, J.-F., Dinssa, F. F., Ebert, A. W., d’A, H. J., Stoilova, T., Nenguwo, N., Dhillon, N. P. S., Easdown, W. J., Mavlyanova, R., Tenkouano, A., Afari-Sefa, V., Yang, R.-Y., Srinivasan, R., Holmer, R. J., Luther, G., Ho, F.-I., Shahabuddin, A., Schreinemachers, P., & Iramu, E. (2015). Indigenous vegetables worldwide: their importance and future development. Acta Horticulturae, 1–20.

Keinath, Anthony P. “Productive Specialty Eggplant Cultivars Suitable for Small Farms in the Southeastern Coastal Plain.” HortScience, vol. 59, no. 5, 1 May 2024, pp. 624–631,,


In the model (Table 1), Gretel, Hansel, and Millionaire had greater total and marketable numbers and weights of fruit compared to Fairy Tale, Patio Baby, and the two globe-fruited cultivars. Black Beauty and Rosa Bianca had intermediate yields, with higher edible weights but lower marketable weights compared to the specialty cultivars. 

There were significant differences in fruit weights among cultivars (Table 1), with Gretel, Hansel, and Millionaire producing heavier fruit compared to Fairy Tale, Patio Baby, Black Beauty, and Rosa Bianca. The heavier fruit weights of the Chinese, Japanese, and white fruit types may contribute to their higher marketable and edible yields. The fruit weights of plants after ratooning in the fall were lower than in the spring before ratooning, indicating an overall decrease in productivity in the fall season. 

Prices per carton paid by local food hubs for specialty eggplants were two to three times greater than wholesale terminal market prices, demonstrating the potential for higher profits from direct marketing to local markets. However, net returns were influenced more by fruit weights than prices, suggesting that growers in the southeastern coastal plain can maximize profits by choosing cultivars that produce high fruit weights. This highlights the importance of selecting productive cultivars to optimize economic returns from specialty eggplant crops. 

The study also addressed common fruit defects that reduce marketable yield in eggplant production, such as disease, scarring, discoloration, sunburn, insect injury, and misshapen fruit. By categorizing fruits into marketable, edible but unmarketable, and inedible and not marketable based on defect severity, the researchers were able to assess the overall quality of fruit produced by different cultivars. Further research on how specialty eggplant types are affected by these defects is needed to provide guidance to growers on selecting the most resilient cultivars. 

The findings of this study contribute valuable information on the productivity and economic viability of specialty eggplant cultivars for small farms in the southeastern coastal plain. By comparing yields, fruit weights, and net returns of different cultivars over multiple seasons, the researchers were able to identify high-performing cultivars and highlight the importance of fruit weight in determining profitability. This research can guide growers in selecting suitable specialty eggplant cultivars for maximizing yields and profits in the unique growing conditions of the southeastern United States. 

Ketterings, Q., Czymmek, K., Beegle, D., & Lawrence, J. (2016). Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management. In N. Smaranda & Q. Ketterings (Eds.), NRCCA Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management – Study Guide. NRCCA – Cornell University.

Kouassi, A., Béli-Sika, E., Tian-Bi, T., Alla-N’Nan, O., Kouassi, A., N’Zi, J.-C., N’Guetta, A., & Tio-Touré, B. (2014). Identification of three distinct eggplant subgroups within the solanum aethiopicum gilo group from côte d’Ivoire by morpho-agronomic characterization. Agriculture4, 260–273.

Kragnes, V. (2023). Expanding production of african eggplant in the red river valley – SARE grant management system.; SARE.

Lalhmingsanga, Pandey, A.K, Angami, T., & Chhetri, A. (2018). The sweetness of bitter brinjal (Solanum gilo Raddi): An underutilized vegetable of North Eastern Himalayas. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies6, 7-08.

Lin, B. B. (2011). Resilience in agriculture through crop diversification: Adaptive management for environmental change. BioScience61, 183–193.

Lin, L., C. George Kuo, & Hsiao, Y. (2009). Discovering indigenous treasures (pp. 230–232). AVRDC – World Vegetable Center.

Lorenzi, J., & Batalova, J. (2022, May). Sub-saharan African immigrants in the United States. Migration Policy Institute.

Magdoff, F., & Van Es, H. (2021). Building Soils for Better Crops: Sustainable Soil Management Fourth Edition. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program.

Annotation #1: Chapter 17 – Managing Water: Irrigation and Drainage

Water management is a critical aspect of agriculture, particularly in regions where rainfall is scarce. Irrigation and drainage systems are essential for ensuring crop yields and food security, especially in dry climates. Irrigation, which accounts for 40% of global food production, is used to supplement rainfall in humid regions and to provide a reliable source of water for crops. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 18% of the world’s cultivated areas are irrigated, and this percentage is expected to increase due to the growing demand for food.

There are several types of irrigation systems, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Flood irrigation, which involves flooding a field with water, is a simple and low-cost method, but it can lead to water waste and soil erosion. Sprinkler irrigation, which uses pressurized sprinkler heads to apply water to the field, is more efficient than flood irrigation but can be more expensive to install and maintain. Drip irrigation, which applies water directly to the roots of plants, is the most efficient method, but it requires more complex infrastructure and can be expensive to install.

Drainage systems are also crucial for managing excess water and preventing crop failures. Excess water can lead to soil compaction, reduced soil fertility, and increased salinity levels, which can harm crops. Effective drainage systems can help prevent these issues by removing excess water from the soil and allowing crops to grow healthy. However, drainage systems can also have environmental impacts, such as altering natural ecosystems and disrupting water tables.

Despite the importance of irrigation and drainage systems, there are several challenges that must be addressed. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and severity of droughts, which can devastate crops and food security. Groundwater, a significant source of irrigation water, is also under threat due to over-extraction and contamination. Additionally, the use of recycled wastewater for irrigation raises concerns about public health and environmental safety.

Effective water management is critical for ensuring food security and sustainable agriculture. This requires a balanced approach that takes into account both human needs and environmental concerns. By adopting sustainable irrigation practices, such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting, we can reduce the environmental impacts of irrigation and ensure a reliable source of water for crops. Additionally, research and development into new technologies and practices can help us better manage water resources in the face of climate change.

The FAO has emphasized the importance of sustainable agriculture practices that prioritize water conservation and efficient use of resources. This includes adopting conservation agriculture techniques, such as no-till farming and cover cropping, which reduce soil erosion and improve soil health. The FAO has also emphasized the need for increased investment in irrigation infrastructure and research into new technologies that can help us better manage water resources.

In addition to sustainable agriculture practices, governments and policymakers must also play a critical role in promoting water management practices that prioritize food security and environmental sustainability. This includes implementing policies that promote water conservation, investing in irrigation infrastructure, and supporting research into new technologies that can help us better manage water resources. By working together, we can ensure a food-secure future while protecting the environment and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.

Annotation #2: Chapter 18 – Nutrient Management: An Introduction

The chapter on nutrient management in agriculture, “Building Soils for Better Crops,” emphasizes the importance of adopting a balanced approach to optimize crop yields while minimizing environmental impacts, highlighting the limitations of relying solely on commercial fertilizers, which can lead to over-fertilization, soil degradation, and water pollution. Farmers are encouraged to incorporate organic nutrient sources into their management practices. These sources, such as compost, manure, and green manure, can provide a more slow-release source of fertility and can also “feed the soil” by providing energy and nutrients to soil organisms.

While organic nutrient sources can be more sustainable and environmentally friendly, they can also have variable amounts and uncertain timing of nutrient release. This can lead to losses and environmental impacts if not managed effectively through good management practices, such as soil testing and monitoring. Additionally, the chapter highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each fertilizer type, including their potential to cause environmental pollution and human health concerns. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each type of fertilizer, farmers can make more informed decisions about their nutrient management strategies.

The limitations of relying solely on commercial fertilizers is highlighted, and the need for a balanced approach that incorporates organic nutrient sources is offered as an answer to those limitations. Organic nutrient sources can provide a more slow-release source of fertility and can also “feed the soil” by providing energy and nutrients to soil organisms. However, organic nutrient sources can have variable amounts and uncertain timing of nutrient release, which can lead to losses and environmental impacts. Good management practices, including soil testing, ensure that nutrient applications are optimized and that environmental impacts are minimized.

In addition to considering the type of fertilizer used, the importance of considering the regional context and availability of fertilizer sources when developing nutrient management strategies is also emphasized. Farmers may need to adapt their approaches based on local soil types, climate conditions, and availability of resources. For example, farmers in areas with high rainfall may need to adjust their fertilizer application rates to prevent excessive nutrient runoff. By taking into account these local factors, farmers can develop more effective and sustainable nutrient management strategies that meet the specific needs of their operation, emphasizing the importance of adopting a holistic approach that considers the interrelationships between soil, plants, and microorganisms. This approach can help farmers to optimize crop yields while minimizing environmental impacts and promoting soil health.

Furthermore, the importance of considering the long-term effects of nutrient management practices on soil health. Soil health is critical for maintaining fertility, structure, and overall ecosystem function. By adopting practices that promote soil health, such as cover cropping and crop rotation, farmers can reduce their reliance on fertilizers and improve the overall sustainability of their operation. Farmers may need to consider alternative nutrient management strategies, such as using beneficial microorganisms or organic amendments to promote soil health.

Annotation #3 – Chapter 19: Management of Nitrogen and Phosphorus

Nitrogen and phosphorus are critical components of plant growth and development, but their excesses can have significant environmental impacts; managing nitrogen and phosphorus requires balancing these two essential nutrients in agricultural production. Nitrogen is more mobile and prone to leaching, while phosphorus is more limited in its movement due to its strong binding with soil particles. This understanding is crucial for developing effective nutrient management strategies that minimize losses and maximize plant uptake.

Various pathways for nitrogen and phosphorus losses exist, including leaching, denitrification, runoff, and erosion. Leaching occurs when nitrogen-rich fertilizers are applied to the soil surface, allowing them to move downward into the groundwater. Denitrification is the process by which microorganisms in the soil convert nitrate into nitrogen gas, which is then released into the atmosphere. Runoff and erosion occur when heavy rainfall or irrigation events cause soil to be washed or blown away, carrying nutrients with it.

To mitigate these losses, farmers can employ a range of conservation practices, including cover cropping, reduced tillage, and conservation tillage. Cover crops can help to reduce erosion and retain soil nutrients, while reduced tillage can minimize soil disturbance and reduce nutrient loss. Conservation tillage, which involves leaving a portion of the crop residue on the soil surface, can also help to reduce erosion and improve soil health.

In addition to these conservation practices, farmers can also use nutrient management planning to minimize losses and optimize plant uptake. Nutrient management planning involves assessing the nutrient needs of the crop, estimating the amount of nutrients available in the soil, and adjusting fertilizer applications accordingly. This approach can help to reduce excess fertilizer application, which can contribute to environmental degradation.

Considering multiple sources of nutrient availability in soil fertility assessments is important; these sources include soil tests, manure and compost tests, and consideration of nutrients in decomposing crop residues. By considering these multiple sources, farmers can develop a more comprehensive understanding of their soil’s fertility and make more informed decisions about fertilizer applications. The authors highlight the 4R-Plus principles for fertilizer application, which include using the right rate, at the right time, in the right place, and in the right amount.

The authors also highlight the benefits of using organic fertilizers, such as compost or manure, to meet plant nutrient demands. Organic fertilizers can provide a slow release of nutrients as they break down in the soil, reducing the risk of over-fertilization. Additionally, organic fertilizers can improve soil structure and increase the overall biodiversity of the soil ecosystem.

Another important aspect of nutrient management is the use of legumes in crop rotations. Legumes have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen into the soil, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. Legumes can also be used as a rotational crop to break disease cycles and improve soil structure.

The need for a holistic approach to nutrient management that considers both the biological and environmental aspects of soil fertility is emphasized. By adopting a balanced approach to nutrient management, farmers can reduce their environmental footprint while maintaining soil health and crop productivity.

Annotation #4: Chapter 20 – Other Fertility Issues: Nutrients, CEC, Acidity, Alkalinity

Soil fertility is a complex topic that requires a deep understanding of the intricate relationships between nutrients, cation exchange capacity (CEC), acidity, and alkalinity. While nitrogen and phosphorus often take center stage, other essential nutrients play a crucial role in maintaining healthy soil. Micronutrient fertilizers are often necessary when these essential nutrients are unavailable in the soil or when years of intensive crop production have depleted natural soil supplies. These nutrients, including zinc, iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, selenium, and fluorine, are vital for both plant and human health.

Managing potassium availability is particularly important, as excessive calcium from liming can reduce K availability. Muriate of potash (potassium chloride), potassium sulfate, or K-mag (potassium magnesium sulfate) are effective solutions to correct potassium deficiencies. Magnesium deficiency is easily corrected by using a magnesium lime or potassium magnesium sulfate, while calcium deficiencies can be addressed by adding lime to raise the pH and building organic matter.

Sulfur deficiency is becoming more common due to reduced sulfur air pollution and leaching in acidic soils. Building soil organic matter and using manure can help maintain adequate sulfur levels. Calcium sulfate (gypsum) can also be applied to remedy sulfur deficiencies. In addition to these essential nutrients, zinc, boron, manganese, and copper are critical micronutrients that play crucial roles in plant growth and development. Zinc deficiency is often associated with high-pH soils and can be corrected with zinc sulfate or chelated iron.

Farmers can take several practical steps to optimize soil fertility. One of the most effective ways is to build soil organic matter through the addition of compost or manure. This not only improves soil structure but also increases the CEC of the soil, allowing it to hold more nutrient cations. Adding organic matter can also help raise the pH of acidic soils, making it easier to correct nutrient deficiencies. Additionally, farmers can use cover crops to replenish soil nutrients and reduce soil erosion.

To effectively manage soil fertility, it’s essential to conduct regular soil testing and analysis. This involves measuring the pH of the soil, as well as the levels of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients like zinc and boron. Soil testing can also help identify any potential contaminants or pollutants that may be present in the soil. By analyzing soil test results, farmers can develop targeted strategies to improve soil fertility and promote healthy plant growth.

In addition to short-term management practices, farmers should also focus on long-term soil fertility management. This involves adopting sustainable agricultural practices that prioritize soil health over short-term productivity gains. This can include reducing tillage, using cover crops, and incorporating organic amendments into the soil. By adopting these practices, farmers can create a more sustainable future for agriculture while also promoting healthy plant growth and improving soil fertility.

Annotation #5 – Chapter 21: Getting the Most from Analyzing Your Soil and Crop

Soil testing is a crucial tool for farmers to determine which amendments or fertilizers are needed to maintain soil productivity. The soil test report provides information on nutrient levels, pH, organic matter content, and cation exchange capacity (CEC), which are essential indicators of soil fertility. The report also includes recommendations for fertilizer application based on soil nutrient levels, past cropping and manure management, and should be tailored to the specific crop being grown. For example, a soil test may indicate that a field is deficient in phosphorus, which would require the application of phosphorus-based fertilizers. Conversely, if the soil test shows that the field has high levels of phosphorus, it may be necessary to reduce or eliminate phosphorus-based fertilizers to avoid overloading the soil.

Soil samples should be taken in the fall or spring, before the growing season begins, when plant growth is minimal, and the soil is not disturbed by tillage or other agricultural practices. The samples should be analyzed for pH, lime requirements, and major nutrients (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium). Some labs may also analyze for organic matter and other selected nutrients such as sulfur, boron, and molybdenum. It is essential to stay consistent and repeat samples at the same time of year and use the same laboratory for analysis to ensure accurate and reliable results.

Soil tests are not 100% accurate, and their recommendations should be used in conjunction with other information to make informed decisions. Soil tests are an estimate of a limited number of plant nutrients based on a small sample, which is supposed to represent many acres in a field. There are several reasons why people may be confused about soil tests, including: laboratories use different procedures and reporting methods; labs may use different solutions to extract nutrients; and different approaches are used to make fertilizer recommendations. Additionally, soil tests may not account for factors such as soil texture, depth, and structure, which can affect nutrient availability.

In addition to understanding the limitations of soil tests, farmers can also use other methods to determine their soil’s fertility. For example, they can use visual observations of plant growth and soil texture to get an idea of their soil’s fertility. They can also use plant tissue testing to determine if their crops are deficient in any specific nutrients. Plant tissue testing involves analyzing plant tissue samples for nutrient levels, allowing farmers to identify nutrient deficiencies and make informed decisions about fertilizer application.

Another important consideration when it comes to soil testing is the cost. Soil testing can be expensive, especially for large-scale farms. However, it can also help farmers save money by reducing the amount of fertilizer they need to apply. By using soil testing results to make informed decisions about fertilizer application, farmers can reduce waste and minimize the environmental impact of their farming practices. Furthermore, soil testing can also help farmers identify opportunities to improve their soil health through practices such as cover cropping and incorporating organic matter into their soil.

Ultimately, the key to getting the most out of analyzing your soil and crop is to use a combination of methods and approaches. By using soil testing results in conjunction with visual observations, plant tissue testing, and other methods, farmers can get a more complete picture of their soil’s fertility and make informed decisions about fertilizer application. With careful planning and management, farmers can maintain healthy soils that support optimal crop yields while also reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact.

Mangan, F. X., Raquel, Moreira, M., Vecchio, del, Finger, F. L., Jesus, Galvão, H., Almeida, G. C., Silva, R. A., & Anderson, M. D. (2008). Production and marketing of vegetables for the ethnic markets in the United States. Horticultura Brasileira26, 6–14.

Mangan, F., Barros, Z., & Marchese, A. (2024). Jiló | WorldCrops. World Crops for Northern United States; UMass Amherst Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment.

Mangan, F., Barros, Z., Marchese, A., & Godoy-Hernández, H. (2017, January 27). Garden Egg.; World Crops for Northern United States.

Mangan, F., Moreira, M., Barros, Z., Fernandes, C., Mateus, R., Finger, F., Koenig, A., Bonanno, R., Autio, W., Alvarado, M., & Wick, R. (2010, March 12). Research and Extension Activities Implemented by the UMass Ethnic Crops Program in 2009 (R. Hazzard, A. Brown, & A. Cavanagh, Eds.). Vegetable Notes; UMass Extension.

Marchese, A., Mangan, F., Barros, Z., & Barros, V. (2014). Evaluation of Selections of jiló (Solanum gilo) for Production and Markets in the Northeastern United States. In UMass Agricultural Field Day (p. 40). The Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment.

Maundu, P., Kioko, J., Munene, C., & Hunziker, M. (Eds.). (2023, November). African eggplant (new) | infonet biovision home.; Infonet Biovision.

Maynard, A. A. (2016). Specialty eggplant trials 2010-2012. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.


The paper “Specialty Eggplant Trials 2010-2012” by Abigail A. Maynard, Ph.D. from the Department of Forestry and Horticulture presents the results of a three-year study on 13 cultivars of specialty eggplant grown in two different soil types in Connecticut. The study aims to provide information on the yield and characteristics of specialty eggplant cultivars, aiding farmers in making informed decisions regarding crop selection. 

The introduction sets the context for the study, highlighting the changing agricultural landscape in southern New England, with a decline in traditional farming practices like tobacco and dairy farming. The rise of small farms focusing on direct retail sales and the increasing consumer demand for diverse and healthy produce presents an opportunity for farmers to explore novel crops like specialty vegetables. Eggplant is identified as a specialty crop with significant commercial potential, especially in regions like southern New England. 

The paper provides a detailed overview of the botanic diversity of eggplant varieties, categorizing them into traditional teardrop-shaped and specialty varieties with unique shapes, sizes, and colors. It highlights the economic potential of specialty eggplants, especially for farmers engaging in direct sales to consumers. The study aims to fill a gap in existing research by evaluating a larger number of specialty eggplant varieties over multiple growing seasons, providing valuable insights for farmers considering the cultivation of these crops. 

The methods section details the experimental setup, including the selection of cultivars, seedling cultivation, field preparation, fertilization, weed, insect and disease control, irrigation, and harvest practices. Statistical analysis is used to compare and analyze yields across different cultivars, sites, and years, providing a robust assessment of the performance of each specialty eggplant variety. 

The results section presents key findings from the study, noting that while yields did not differ significantly between the two experimental sites, they varied among cultivars and years. The highest yielding cultivars include Calliope, Hansel, and Fairy Tale, with variations in fruit size and number per plant influencing overall yield. The discussion highlights the importance of optimal growing conditions in maximizing fruit production and emphasizes the economic viability of specialty eggplants due to their higher market prices compared to traditional varieties. 

The paper underscores the potential of specialty eggplants as a lucrative crop for small-scale farmers in regions like southern New England. By providing detailed insights into the performance of different cultivars, the study contributes valuable information to support farmers in diversifying their crop portfolio and adapting to changing market demands. 

Maynard, A., & Hill, D. (n.d.). How to Grow Jilo in Connecticut. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.

McGrath, D. (2013, May 2). Wood chips for mulch? Ag – Community Horticulture/Landscape.


The article “Wood chips for mulch?” by Daniel McGrath discusses the properties of wood chips, including their toxicity and potential to tie up nitrogen. Unlike walnut chips, which are toxic, willow tree chips are not toxic. However, wood chips can still tie up plant nutrients, especially nitrogen, which can be beneficial or detrimental depending on the situation and goals. The article notes that the tendency of wood chips to tie up nitrogen depends on the particle size, with small particles (such as sawdust) having a greater tendency to tie up nitrogen than large particles (such as large wood chips).

The article also highlights the importance of considering whether or not to mix wood chips with soil. When mixed with soil, wood chips can increase the likelihood of nitrogen tie-up, which can negatively impact plant growth. On the other hand, using wood chips as a mulch on paths or on the surface of the soil can be beneficial, as it can reduce weed health and make them easier to pull.

In addition, the article provides guidance on how to use wood chips effectively in gardens. For example, when using wood chips as a mulch around trees and shrubs, it is important to avoid placing the mulch too close to the trunk or stem, as this can attract pests that may damage the plant. The article also recommends using larger wood chips rather than small particles (such as sawdust) in garden soil, as this can reduce the likelihood of nitrogen tie-up.

Migration Policy Institute. (2014, February). U.S. immigrant population by state and county. width=1000&height=850&iframe=true


National Research Council. (2006). Lost crops of africa: Volume II: Vegetables (pp. 137–153). National Academies Press.


The Gilo Group, also known as scarlet eggplant, mock tomato, garden egg, garden huckleberry, or gilo, is the most widespread eggplant cultivated in Africa. They can be found from southern Senegal to Nigeria, Central Africa across to eastern Africa, and from Central Africa south to Angola, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. These eggplants are the original “Guinea squash” Londoners were admiring 500 years ago. Despite their international obscurity, they are a resource of considerable economic importance. Local garden eggs are popular in many diets, have a long storage life, and provide a reliable source of income for millions of farmers, most of whom are women. The plants are easy to raise, relatively free of disease and pests, and provide a steady supply of food and income. Although they may seem mild in flavor and not particularly nutritious, they have the potential to become a significant crop in Africa. With proper attention, Africa’s own eggplant could achieve a very big future.  

The African eggplant, a neglected vegetable, offers a wide range of colors, textures, flavors, and culinary uses. It is adaptable, can be grown in various climates, and can be harvested over time. These plants also benefit soil conservation activities and are suited to infertile sites and difficult soils. They are also suitable for city gardens in African cities, where they are often grown alongside high-rise buildings, factories, shanties, roads, train tracks, and chain-link fences. Local garden eggs are significant vegetable resources across Africa, providing nutrition, rural income, and soils. They are high-yielding, easy to grow, and simple to harvest and handle. They are vital to local cuisines, economies, and cultures. They have untapped potential for research and could become the cornerstone of localized rural economic development. In many parts of Africa, there is considerable scope for producing better varieties and quantities. African eggfruits are exported to Europe and North America under the local name “anthora.”  

African eggplants are a beautiful and nutritious vegetable that can be enjoyed for their ornamental appearance and nutritional value. These small bushes, which can be light or dark green, or purple, have tiny to large leaves and contain small amounts of protein, vitamins, minerals, and starch. They are moderate sources of beta-carotene, B vitamins, and C, as well as calcium, iron, potassium, and other minerals. They are used as a meat substitute due to their spongy texture, which absorbs other food’s flavor while providing a mouthfeel vaguely suggestive of the presence of meat. The seeds scattered through the fruit also contain vitamin C and carotene and other nutrients. The leaves are excellent sources of vitamins A and B (particularly riboflavin), calcium, phosphorus, and iron. The crop is mostly grown on a small scale in compound gardens and is less susceptible to disease than many vegetables. Harvesting and handling the eggplant is best done when it is still immature, about 70-90 days after sowing. African eggplant, a small, bell-shaped, purple plant, is a valuable crop that can yield a lot of food from a small space and is rich in genetic diversity. However, its association with nightshade, a weed that adversely affects some of the world’s main crops, makes it difficult to promote it as a crop plant in countries like the United States, Canada, New Zealand, or Britain.  

African eggplant is a valuable resource that can provide a steady supply of food and income. African eggplant, a low-status vegetable, has been largely overlooked due to its public image in Africa. The crop is often associated with poor people, which can hinder its potential for growth. Most national agricultural research and extension systems allocate no resources to these vegetables, which are considered low-priority species.

To support the eggplant, agriculture schools and farming programs should initiate localized eggplant support projects. Public interest in the greater use of garden eggs should be sparked, and optimal cultivation practices should be fostered. Indigenous knowledge on plant types used in various countries should be gathered, and socioeconomic surveys on the production and use of garden eggs in traditional settings should be conducted. Programs to provide bulk samples of quality seed could also promote appreciation for the neglected crop. A functioning African-eggplant promotion and coordination undertaking would be beneficial.  

African eggplant has the potential to revolutionize food technology, agriculture, and biotechnology. It can be used as a substitute in recipes, as a potential food source, and to address potential toxicity issues. Its post-harvest handling of fruits should also be analyzed. Horticultural development is crucial for optimal growth and harvests. Genetic development offers opportunities for genetically enhancing African garden eggs for increased yield and other features. Breeders can take advantage of advances made in related species, such as genetic maps of potato, tomato, and peppers. African eggplants also contain genes for improving other crops, such as tomato, potato, and eggplant. These genes may be isolated from Africa’s garden eggs and genetically engineered into these crops. Additionally, African eggplants have molluscicide activity, which could be useful in controlling garden snails and water snails. The crop also serves as an alternative host for pests, bacteria, and fungi that affect commercial crops. Scientific exploration is warranted. African eggplants are already growing in Brazil, and their potential for growth in other locations is promising. In Europe and the United States, there is a growing trend towards horticultural diversification, including new vegetables and eggplant species.  

African eggplants offer a new opportunity to overcome taxonomic difficulties, as they lie among potato, tomato, peppers, and the common eggplant. The plant, known as Solanum aethiopicum L., is a woody deciduous annual herb up to 100-150 cm tall, with small, white, star-shaped flowers and calyces. The fruits are 3-6 cm in diameter, varying in shape from ellipsoid to almost round, and are pollinated by large bees. The plant occurs in sub-Saharan Africa but is less well known in South Africa and Madagascar. It was taken to Brazil by the slave trade centuries ago and is known as “gilo,” a slight corruption of the name used in East Africa. The crop’s ecological requirements are like common eggplant, but they are slightly hardier and more tolerant of drought. It thrives in rainy seasons, at altitudes up to 1200 m, and at low temperatures between 20 and 30°C. Solanum aethiopicum is an easily grown plant that thrives in most soils, but thrives best in high fertility soils, particularly those high in nitrogen and phosphorus. Sandy loam to friable clay soils with a pH range of 5.5 to 6.8 are considered particularly suitable. The plant is thought to be day-neutral and produces a small fruit like the eggplant. Solanum macrocarpon, a perennial, glabrous, and shrubby plant, is also known as the gboma eggplant. Solanum scabrum L. and S. americanum Mill are two of the most lost “eggplants” in West Africa, with the leaves of these plants forming the ubiquitous “African spinach.” There are four main groups of cultivars of Solanum aethiopicum: the Shum Group, Kumba Group, Gilo Group, and Aculeatum Group. The Shum Group has small, subspherical fruits and small glabrous leaves, while the Kumba Group has pumpkin-shaped, slightly bitter fruits and light green to red-orange leaves. 

This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the eggplant, also known as garden egg, focusing on its history, culinary uses, nutritional value, and horticultural aspects. It discusses the introduction of African eggplant to Europe and its subsequent commercial success, contrasts it with the Asian eggplant, and highlights its potential as a versatile and nutritious vegetable. The chapter emphasizes the importance of African eggplants as a significant vegetable resource with high yielding potential, easy cultivation, and long storage life. It notes the variety of colors, shapes, and sizes of the fruits, highlighting their ornamental value. The nutritional content of eggplants is explored, noting their high levels of water content and modest amounts of vitamins, minerals, and starch. It also discusses the potential culinary uses of eggplants as meat substitutes and in various dishes from different cultures. The chapter delves into the horticultural aspects of cultivating African eggplants, including propagation, environmental requirements, harvesting, and handling practices. It mentions the limited research and support for these vegetables and calls for increased attention and investment in their development. The prospects for genetic improvement, food technology, horticultural development, and marketing opportunities are highlighted as areas for further exploration and development. Overall, the chapter emphasizes the untapped potential of African eggplants as a valuable and versatile vegetable that could contribute significantly to local diets, economies, and agricultural practices. It calls for increased research, support, and investment in the cultivation and promotion of these vegetables to realize their full potential.

Nielsen, R. L. B. (2010, October). A Practical Guide to On-Farm Research. Corny News Network; Purdue University Department of Agronomy.


“A Practical Guide to On-Farm Research”, authored by R.L. (Bob) Nielsen from the Agronomy Department at Purdue University, provides valuable insights into the process of conducting on-farm research trials.

The primary goal of field crop research is to generate fact-based answers to challenging agricultural questions by evaluating the effects of various treatments or variables on crop yield and other outcomes. On-farm research aims not only to provide answers but also validate existing practices or highlight profitable alternatives for growers. Well-designed trials are essential and should involve formulating a simple research question, selecting treatments, including control treatments, and creating treatment plots with appropriate widths and lengths to match field equipment.

Field research is prone to “background noise,” caused by various uncontrolled factors like soil variability, weather conditions, and human errors. Statistical analysis plays a crucial role in distinguishing true treatment effects from experimental error. Proper trial planning involves requesting help, replicating treatments, and randomizing treatment sequences within field trials. Collaboration with research professionals can enhance the quality of data analysis and interpretation. It is crucial to ensure accurate data collection during harvest by calibrating equipment, monitoring grain conditions, and checking weigh wagon scales to mitigate errors and ensure data integrity.

Statistical analysis, such as comparing treatment means or using specialized software, aids in determining treatment effects with certainty. The Least Significant Difference (LSD) value helps identify statistically significant differences between treatments. Collaborating with other farmers to conduct trials over multiple locations and years mitigates the impact of weather fluctuations on research outcomes and enhances the reliability of results.

“A Practical Guide to On-Farm Research” emphasizes the need for meticulous planning, attention to detail, statistical analysis, and collaboration to conduct effective on-farm research trials and generate valuable insights for growers and stakeholders. 

Nkansah, G. O., Ahwireng, A. K., Amoatey, C., & Ayarna, A. W. (2013). Grafting onto African eggplant enhances growth, yield and fruit quality of tomatoes in tropical forest ecozones. Journal of Applied Horticulture15, 16–20.

North Circle Seeds. (2024).

NRCS. (2004, September). Official Series Description – GILES Series.; United States Department of Agriculture.


The Giles soil series is a deep, well-drained soil that was formed in volcanic ash and glacial outwash. It is located on terraces and terrace escarpments in Western Washington, at elevations ranging from 50 to 500 feet. The soil has a slope of 0 to 30 percent and is characterized by a cool climate with mean annual precipitation of 50 inches and mean annual air temperature of 49°F.

The typical pedon of the Giles series consists of four horizons: Oe, A, Bw1, and C. The Oe horizon is a thin layer of partially decomposed needles and twigs at the surface. The A horizon is a dark brown silt loam with a strong fine subangular blocky structure, and is slightly hard, friable, and slightly plastic. The Bw1 horizon is a dark yellowish brown silt loam with a strong fine subangular blocky structure, and is slightly hard, friable, and slightly sticky. The C horizon is an olive brown silt loam with a massive structure, and is soft, friable, and slightly sticky.

The Giles soil series has a range of characteristics, including mean annual soil temperature ranging from 49 to 52°F, and being usually moist but dry in the summer for 60 to 75 days. The control section of the soil contained less than 20 percent apparent clay.

Giles soils are used for a variety of purposes, including cropland, pasture, grain, and specialty crops. Native vegetation includes Douglas-fir, western redcedar, red alder, and bigleaf maple with an understory of salal, red huckleberry, Oregon-grape, western bracken fern, western sword fern, bedstraw, trailing blackberry, salmonberry, Pacific dogwood, vine maple, and common snowberry.

NRCS. (2019). Web Soil Survey.

NRCS. (2021). Wind Rose Data.

Oladosu, Y., Rafii, M. Y., Arolu, F., Chukwu, S. C., Salisu, M. A., Olaniyan, B. A., Fagbohun, I. K., & Muftaudeen, T. K. (2021). Genetic Diversity and Utilization of Cultivated Eggplant Germplasm in Varietal Improvement. Plants10(8), 1714.


Table 4 provides a detailed set of descriptors for standard eggplant traits, encompassing seedling, vegetative, inflorescence, seed, and fruit characteristics. These descriptors are adapted from the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources and the World Vegetable Centre, acting as valuable guidelines for evaluating and categorizing different attributes of eggplant varieties. The information presented includes various units of measurement, scales, and criteria for assessing key traits at different stages of plant development, from seedling germination to fruiting patterns. 

The section on Seedling Traits outlines parameters such as the germination period, cotyledonous leaf color, length, and width, as well as the leaf morphological characteristics. These traits provide insights into the early growth stages of eggplant plants and can be instrumental in identifying desirable seedling traits for breeding purposes. The inclusion of scales for leaf color and petiole length, among others, allows for a standardized approach to assessing and comparing seedling characteristics across different varieties of eggplants. 

Vegetative Traits encompass a range of parameters related to plant growth habits, stem characteristics, leaf morphology, and branching patterns. Traits such as plant breadth, height, growth habit, and presence of spines and pubescence offer valuable information on the vegetative vigor and structural features of eggplant varieties. The diversity in leaf blade properties, including length, width, color, and presence of hairs and prickles, contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the vegetative traits that influence plant growth and development. 

Inflorescence Traits provide criteria for evaluating flowering time, floral structures such as sepals, petals, stamens, style exertion, and pollen production, as well as corolla color and relative style length. These traits shed light on the reproductive characteristics of eggplant varieties, which are crucial for reproductive success, pollination, and fruit set. Detailed descriptions of floral features enable researchers and breeders to assess the diversity and potential of different eggplant cultivars for effective pollination and seed production. 

The Seed Traits and Fruit Traits sections offer insights into the physical and biochemical attributes of seeds and fruits, respectively. Parameters such as seed weight, size, density, color, and number per fruit provide information on seed quality and yield potential. The fruit descriptors, including dimensions, shape, color, flesh density, yield, and flavor, offer a comprehensive view of fruit characteristics influencing commercial value, taste, and consumer preference. These traits are essential for selecting varieties with desirable fruit quality attributes suitable for specific market requirements and culinary uses. 

Opoku V.A., Adu M.O., Asare P.A., Asante J., Hygienus G., Andersen M.N. Rapid and low-cost screening for single and combined effects of drought and heat stress on the morpho-physiological traits of African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum) germplasm. PLoS One. 2024;19(1): e0295512. Published 2024 Jan 30. 

Oyetunji, O.S. et al., Journal of Liaoning Technical University: Breaking Dormancy and Improving Germination in Seeds of Solanum aethiopicum L. (SCARLET GARDEN EGG) 2023, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Lagos State University. 

Petersen, R. G. (1994). Agricultural field experiments. CRC Press.

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. (n.d.). Solanum aethiopicum L. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science. Plants of the World Online; Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved April 30, 2024, from

Sabatino, Iapichino, Rotino, Palazzolo, Mennella, & D’Anna. (2019). Solanum aethiopicum gr. gilo and its interspecific hybrid with s. melongena as alternative rootstocks for eggplant: Effects on vigor, yield, and fruit physicochemical properties of cultivar ′Scarlatti′. Agronomy9, 223.

Schrader, J., Shi, P., Royer, D. L., Peppe, D. J., Gallagher, R. V., Li, Y., Wang, R., & Wright, I. J. (2021). Leaf size estimation based on leaf length, width and shape. Annals of Botany128(4), 395–406.


In the study described, Montgomery’s Equation plays a pivotal role in the accurate estimation of leaf size based on leaf length, width, and shape information. Montgomery’s Equation, also known as Montgomery’s Rule, is a mathematical formula that accounts for the irregularity in shape of leaves beyond their simple rectangular dimensions. This equation helps in deriving correction factors (CFs) that are specific to different leaf shapes, thus enabling more precise estimation of leaf size across a wide range of plant species.

Montgomery’s Equation is applied in the study to address the inherent variability in leaf shapes, which often deviate from idealized geometrical forms. By incorporating the unique characteristics of various leaf shapes into the equation, the authors can establish shape-specific CFs that reflect the actual surface area covered by a given leaf shape more accurately. This approach departs from the traditional practice of using a generic CF of 2/3 to estimate leaf size, which may not adequately capture the diversity of leaf shapes present in nature. 

Through careful analysis of leaf images and measurements from a dataset of 3125 leaf images representing 780 taxa, the researchers determine shape-specific CFs for different leaf shapes, ranging from 0.39 for highly dissected leaves to 0.79 for oblate leaves. This demonstrates the effectiveness of Montgomery’s Equation in accounting for the complexities of leaf morphology and providing more precise estimates of leaf size. Furthermore, the study assesses the influence of additional leaf characteristics such as base form, margin type, symmetry, and size class on CF estimation, showing that these factors have minimal impact on the accuracy of leaf size estimation when Montgomery’s Equation is applied.

By considering various aspects of leaf morphology in conjunction with Montgomery’s Equation, the authors can refine the estimation of leaf size and improve the ecological relevance of this key plant functional trait. The integration of Montgomery’s Equation into the leaf size estimation method proposed in the study enhances the accuracy and robustness of leaf size calculations, particularly for species with diverse leaf shapes. By leveraging this mathematical framework, researchers can more effectively analyze and compare leaf size data across different plant taxa, facilitating broader ecological investigations and contributing to a deeper understanding of plant functional traits in natural ecosystems. 

Shi, P., Liu, M., Yu, X., Gielis, J., & Ratkowsky, D. (2019). Proportional Relationship between Leaf Area and the Product of Leaf Length and Width of Four Types of Special Leaf Shapes. Forests10(2), 178.

Singh, Gurchetan1000. “ANOVA: Complete Guide to Statistical Analysis & Applications (Updated 2024).” Analytics Vidhya, 21 May 2024,

Swenson, S. (2022, June). Why we need to adopt more orphan crops. Modern Farmer.


The global food system is heavily reliant on a few staple crops, such as rice, wheat, and maize, which account for 50% of the world’s consumer calories. However, this narrow focus can lead to food shortages in the face of future climate crises. To mitigate this risk, it is essential to adopt more orphan crops, which are neglected or underutilized plants that have the potential to provide a more diversified and resilient food system.

Orphan crops, such as millet, cassava, and pigeon pea, are often grown in marginalized areas and require fewer inputs to thrive, making them more affordable and sustainable. These crops also offer opportunities for sustainable farming practices, such as multiple cropping and growing in areas with depleted soil. Additionally, they provide a chance to support local communities and promote biodiversity.

One of the challenges associated with orphan crops is their lower productivity compared to more modern crops. However, researchers are now exploring ways to improve the yields of these crops through breeding and gene editing. For example, scientists can start with an orphan crop that is already tolerant of inclement conditions and breed it to create a crop with good potential for large-scale growth.

Furthermore, orphan crops can provide a more nutritious and balanced food option for the future. They offer a range of nutrients and flavors that are not typically found in the dominant crops. For instance, African eggplant is a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants.

Despite the potential benefits of orphan crops, there is a lack of research and funding in this area. However, organizations such as the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) are working to change this. By promoting the adoption of orphan crops, we can create a more resilient and diverse food system that is better equipped to withstand the challenges of climate change.

Thresh Seed Co. (2024).

“Understanding Vigor Scores.” Specialty 

Wallau, M., Rios, E., & Blount, A. (2021, January). SS-AGR-447/AG447: Planning and Establishing On-Farm Field Trials. Ask IFAS – Powered by EDIS; Agronomy Department, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center; UF/IFAS Extension.


“Planning and Establishing On-Farm Field Trials” offers comprehensive guidance on planning and conducting on-farm field trials for agricultural extension and education purposes. It is authored by Marcelo Wallau, Esteban Rios, and Ann Blount from the UF/IFAS Extension, indicating expertise in the field and a focus on practical application.

Objectives and Collaborators: Emphasizing the importance of defining clear objectives and selecting appropriate collaborators, the document underscores the need for aligned goals and effective partnerships to ensure the success of on-farm field trials. Collaboration with stakeholders can enhance the relevance and impact of the research.

Site Selection and Trial Design: The document guides readers on choosing suitable demonstration sites, designing trials, and documenting protocols to maintain consistency and reproducibility in research outcomes. Proper trial design is crucial for generating reliable and meaningful results.

Site Establishment and Information Collection: Detailed information is provided on establishing and maintaining trial sites, collecting data, and documenting key information throughout the trial process. These steps are essential for ensuring data integrity and accuracy.

Field Days and Communication: Planning for field days and effectively communicating trial results to stakeholders are highlighted as integral components of successful on-farm field trials. Transparent communication fosters engagement and knowledge dissemination.

Avoiding Common Failures: The document addresses common pitfalls and failures that may occur during on-farm field trials, offering insights and best practices to mitigate these challenges. Learning from failures can inform future research endeavors.

Execution and Best Practices: Practical advice, insights, and best practices are shared to guide readers in executing on-farm field trials successfully. The emphasis is placed on meticulous planning, collaboration with stakeholders, and flawless execution to achieve meaningful outcomes.

Data Collection and Dissemination: Proper trial design, data collection, and effective communication with collaborators are underscored as critical aspects for achieving valuable outcomes and disseminating research findings to relevant audiences. The document provides a comprehensive framework for planning, executing, and communicating the results of on-farm field trials, with a focus on thorough preparation, collaboration, and adherence to best practices for successful research outcomes in agricultural extension and education. 

Yang, R. Y., & C. Ojiewo. (2013). African nightshades and african eggplants: Taxonomy, crop management, utilization, and phytonutrients. Acs Symposium Series, 137–165.

Yu, X., Shi, P., Schrader, J., & Niklas, K. J. (2020). Nondestructive estimation of leaf area for 15 species of vines with different leaf shapes. American Journal of Botany107(11), 1481–1490.


The study focused on validating the efficacy of the Montgomery equation as a nondestructive method for estimating leaf area in a diverse group of vine species characterized by varying leaf shapes. Through comprehensive experimentation, the research confirmed that the Montgomery equation can indeed provide accurate estimations of leaf area, considering crucial factors such as the concavity of leaf bases and the number of lobes on the lamina. This validation underscores the importance of utilizing precise and reliable methods for assessing leaf morphology, particularly in the context of plant growth and development studies where nondestructive measurements play a key role in understanding physiological processes. 

The findings of this study offer valuable insights for researchers and scientists engaged in the investigation of leaf morphology and physiology, highlighting the significance of utilizing the Montgomery equation as a practical tool for estimating leaf area in vine species with diverse leaf shapes. By acknowledging the influence of leaf base concavity and lobe number on the accuracy of the Montgomery parameter, researchers can enhance their understanding of plant growth dynamics and optimize nondestructive measurement techniques in field studies. These results pave the way for further exploration of the applicability of the Montgomery equation in other plant species with complex leaf shapes, opening new avenues for research and contributing to the advancement of plant biology studies. 

The study’s validation of the Montgomery equation for estimating leaf area in various vine species underscores its utility as a reliable and efficient method for assessing leaf morphology in research settings. By considering factors such as leaf base concavity and the presence of lobes on the lamina, researchers can confidently apply this equation to accurately estimate leaf area, thereby facilitating a deeper understanding of plant physiological processes. These findings not only support the importance of nondestructive methods in plant biology research but also lay the groundwork for future investigations into the broader applicability of the Montgomery equation across different plant species with diverse leaf shapes and structures.