We got into groups on Friday and talked about our projects. I am really glad I have both writers and media people looking at my stuff. I received some really good ideas for my paper. I will be showing Adderley “From Here to Eternity” on Sunday. I know a lot of people haven't seen it but it really is a landmark film. I haven't read the book, but I probably will someday. I skyped with my daughter the other day she is leaving her host family and is off to the Amazon. I made her promise to take pictures. She can't find her bankcard, this is so like her. She has lost more credit cards and bank cards, she just can't keep track of them! I looked it up and there is a Western Union in Quito, so I told her not to worry. It is absolutely pouring here! I was going to do some more errands after work but I was afraid I might melt, after all, I did in the movie!! Lets see who gets that reference!!