
Who do I talk to about my benefits? 

Faculty who teach eight or more credits for at least two consecutive quarters are eligible for benefits (health, dental, life, retirement). Please contact either Walter Niemiec (ext. 6411) or Lorri Moore (ext. 6867) for information on retirement plans or the Payroll office (Ladonna Herigstad, ext. 6441) for your health, dental and life insurance needs.


How do I order textbooks and desk copies for my course/program?

To order your textbooks, fill out the form under “Textbook Orders” on the Evergreen Bookstore webpage. It’s a “smart form,” so you don’t need publisher names or ISBNs usually. Jean Sullivan is the textbook buyer. For desk copies, look on the publisher’s web site. Most academic publishers have a simplified request process.

The deadlines for ordering textbooks are published in the online Campus Calendar, and reminder emails are generally sent the previous quarter. Late orders result in high costs, so please place your order on time.


What is my budget number?

If you are teaching a half-time program, you already have your own budget set up through the Budget Dean, David McAvity,, ext. 5490. If you are teaching a course (2, 4, or 6 credits), you should contact the EWS Program Coordinator if you need to purchase something with a budget.

How much can I spend?

Half-time programs can spend up to their allocation set by the Budget Dean. Faculty who teach in courses are limited to $25 per quarter per course. If you want to spend more than this, you’ll need to get prior approval from the Dean of Evening and Weekend Studies.

What can I spend my budget money on?

On campus printing expenses are budgeted commonly, so you don’t have to spend your course/program budget. You may want to spend on bookstore purchases (books and supplies), lab stores, etc. You may only use the budget to buy things for your academic program. If you are teaching a course, field trips and guest speakers must be approved by your Academic Dean.

What if I need more money?

If you need to have additional funds beyond your $25 allocation, contact the EWS Program Coordinator.


How do I schedule space on campus?

Space Scheduling sends out a call for Space requests quarterly. Please follow the directions in this e-mail.  Directions may change from quarter to quarter, so please make sure to read the e-mails sent. If you need to schedule space for something besides your class hours, contact Space Scheduling directly at

Who do I contact if my classroom is locked?

Campus Police Services (ext. 6832 or “0” from any campus phone) can come and unlock any room on campus (including your office, the adjunct mailroom/shared offices) 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please contact Space Scheduling if this is a continual problem.

E-mail Accounts

How do I get a college e-mail account?

The Faculty Hiring office will arrange this for you and send you the directions to log in for the first time. If you haven’t received this, please email for assitance.

Why can’t I just use my personal email?

You may have your Evergreen email forwarded to your personal account, through changing your “Profile” settings on your Students, potential students, colleagues, and staff must be able to contact you through Evergreen, so be sure to check your Evergreen email, or forwarded messages, frequently. Don’t separately communicate your private email to students and ask them to use it. We require them to use their Evergreen email for official communications. Faculty and staff must be accessible to the same standards, or we aren’t serving our students well.


How can people reach me in the event of an emergency?

As long as the person who needs to reach you knows your name or your class name, they can contact Campus Police Services (ext. 6832) who will find you through your space scheduling, so make sure your posted scheduled rooms are accurate.

What if a student becomes ill or needs some sort of medical attention during class?

Contact Campus Police Services right away (ext. 6832). They can assist or radio to the local fire, police and paramedic units. 911 does work from campus phones.

How do I alert my students that class is canceled during inclement weather?

Each faculty member has their preferences, so you might ask some of your colleagues how they’ve handled this in the past. Tell your students in advance how you plan to handle cancellations. You can leave a voice mail message for your students to call or you can e-mail or call your students. Encourage them to sign up for emergency notifications.



How do I find out how many students are registered for my class, or get an up-to-date class list?

For class lists, see and click on Faculty Class Information.

How do I find out what classrooms I have been assigned?

For assigned classrooms, see the link from your online catalog listing, or see


When are evaluations due to my program secretary?

Faculty must submit their evaluations of students using the online evaluation system within two weeks of the end of evaluation week.

Where can students get help writing their evaluations?

There are several places: they can visit Evergreen’s web site ( and find information at the Academic Advising page, they can get assistance or pick up printed guides at the Academic Advising office, or they can attend an evaluation writing workshop, which are offered periodically throughout the academic year through the Writing Center. The best approach is to do a workshop in your class that guides them with some writing prompts that you have created You should require student self-evaluations..

Should I require student evaluations of faculty?

You need to make clear the importance of the student’s evaluation of faculty—that it is part of your professional portfolio, and is one of the guides your dean uses to evaluate your teaching. Encourage students to give their evaluations directly to you. They now write them online but may choose to not make them available to you until after you have submitted their evaluation. Again, the use of writing prompts helps students complete the process and allows you to ask questions about your teaching that you’d like to hear student reflections on.


Adjunct Faculty Evaluation

When and how will I be evaluated?

You can expect to be evaluated after your first teaching assignment and every three years thereafter. Your evaluation will consist of a class visit by your dean,  a thorough reading of your portfolio, and a one-on-one conference with the dean, after which they will write an evaluation of your work.

What should I include in my portfolio?

You may include anything that is relevant to your work here at the college, but your portfolio must have the following for each year of your teaching: your own self-evaluation, your evaluations of your students and theirs of you, your evaluations of colleagues and theirs of you (if you team teach), your students’ self-evaluations, and copies of your syllabi and covenants. See the Collective Bargaining Agreement for other details (link above).

Field Trips

How do I arrange a field trip?

If you are planning on taking a field trip with your students, it’s imperative that you first secure funds (if you don’t already have them). Email the EWS Program Coordinator for approval. Then, contact your program secretary AT LEAST one week in advance of your trip so s/he can get the necessary paperwork done in time. There are student waivers, motor pool trip tickets, travel authorities and expense vouchers that have to be completed, signed, and turned in to the appropriate offices. You can read the college policy regarding field trips here.

Guest Speaker

Can I bring in a lecturer to speak to my class?

Yes, with prior approval from the Dean of Evening and Weekend Studies, if you don’t have your own program budget. Knowing how limited the Evening and Weekend Studies budget is, please try to keep costs to a minimum. One way to do this is by sharing the speaker (and their honorarium) with several classes/programs. Many are honored to come and talk to your class and don’t have expectations about making any money out of it. You’ll have to secure funds by emailing the EWS Program Coordinator, then make arrangements through your program secretary to do the paperwork (a college contract is necessary).

Identification Card

How do I get a Faculty I.D. card?

In order to check out Media Loan equipment, use the library, charge supplies to your program budget, or use Campus Recreation Center, you must get an identification card. Go to Registration and Records, Library 1101, where they will take your photo and make an identification card. At Parking (Seminar Building) you can also get a Star Pass sticker on your I.D. which allows you to ride the bus free.

Individual Contracts

Can I sponsor an individual contract?

With rare exceptions, adjunct faculty should not agree to sponsor an Individual Learning Contract with a student. There are several important reasons for this. Please realize that adjuncts are not paid for this extra work, and contracts involve a lot of your valuable time and energy. Also, the nature of adjunct faculty contracts, many of which are only one or two quarters in length, make it difficult to ensure appropriate follow-up if a student doesn’t complete their work after a quarter is over. However, exceptions may be permitted after consultation with the EWS Dean.

If a student needs information about individual contracts, whom should they see?

Send them to Academic Advising. They have staff who can provide excellent information about contracts, can help a student find a faculty sponsor, and even give advice about how to write up a contract.


A student hasn’t completed all of their academic work. How do I grant incompletes?

Adjunct faculty should never grant an incomplete without first consulting with the EWS dean. It is against college policy. Only in exceptional circumstances will this be authorized.


How do I get a key to the Evening and Weekend Studies shared office space for adjuncts (SEM II B)?

Contact the EWS Program Coordinator. They will put a key request in for you.

How do I get a Media Cabinet key?

All active faculty can pick up a media cabinet key from the Key Services office, located in Lab 2 1260.

Special Students

What are “special students”?

Evergreen allows students who have not been formally admitted to the college to enroll in up to eight quarter hours of courses (or one program) per quarter. This allows a student to begin classes immediately without having to wait out the admissions process. These students enjoy all rights and privileges that admitted students do, with the exception of financial aid (students must be formally admitted to receive financial aid). Special students may enroll for more than 8 credits with permission from both faculty and the EWS dean. Veterans with benefits often need this exception. State employees with a tuition waiver for 6 credits may not enroll in a half-time program (and receive only 6 credits).

Student Assistance

Where do I refer students who are struggling with their academic work?

You can refer them to the staff in the Writing Center (ext. 6420, Lib 2304) or the Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning Center (ext. 5547, Lib 2304) who can arrange tutors and comprehensive reading or writing assistance. If you have a student who might need special accommodation (pertaining to the Americans with Disabilities Act), they can be best served by our Access Services office (ext. 6090, Library 2129).  Also, remember to refer students to the Academic Advising Office.


Can I get the college to pay for my professional travel as an adjunct faculty?

Perhaps, if you apply early. You need to contact the Dean in charge of travel, David McAvity. Travel policies and request forms are available on his web page at

Veterans and Veterans’ Dependents

Who can help with benefits issues, advising, and peer support?

Evergreen’s Veterans Resource Center is located in Library 1002 and can be reached at 360.867.6254. They will work with veterans and their families to make sure they can access their benefits and find the programs/courses they need.