Below you’ll find a general reference guide to assist you in finding the information or assistance you need. Here is a quick synopsis of what to expect from your dean, program coordinator, and program secretary.

Your Dean – Kathleen Eamon, Library 2003,, 360.867.6678

The Academic Dean of Evening and Weekend Studies is a continuing member of the faculty who rotates into the deanery from the faculty. As members of the faculty, you should work with your “assigned” dean. However, because there are over 90 adjunct and half-time faculty, it is important to try to solve problems, ask questions, and get advice from people knowledgeable about the college and the Evening and Weekend Studies program. This does not mean you do not have ready access to your dean—quite the contrary—but merely that quick resolution may mean seeking it at the most appropriate office.

The dean will evaluate each adjunct member of the faculty on a three-year cycle. They authorize you (on an individual basis) to do Individual Learning Contracts or Internships, and as your dean, they are the one who approves the contracts before they are officially registered. In very special circumstances, the dean can negotiate with you regarding incompletes—a process of allowing extra time or assignments to award credit. It should be noted that due to college policy, adjunct faculty cannot award an Incomplete without their dean’s approval.

The dean works closely with the half-time, regular faculty to develop the Evening and Weekend Studies curriculum, and he works on many governance assignments that affect Evening and Weekend Studies. This allows for effective representation and strong advocacy for our program across the college. Call your dean if you have questions about your curriculum, types of activities, students, or colleagues. They must approve any budgetary expenditures beyond your program budget.  If you need advice or support in your teaching, please do not hesitate to call.

Additional Deans Area Staff:

Tricia Bateman, Library 2011, 360.867.6864,

Chelsea Menshek, Library 2001,

The curriculum staff works closely with your dean on matters directly related to the program. Their primary duties include facilitation of curriculum publishing, both online and printed, monitoring budgets, and serving as a liaison between students, staff, and faculty and the dean. The staff can answer most of your questions and is your primary contact regarding catalog copy for upcoming course and program offerings.

Your Program Secretary –  360.867.6588,

Most of you will be assigned to the Evening and Weekend Studies Program Secretary. In some cases, such as those with offices in other buildings, a different program secretary may be assigned. Your program secretary is your day-to-day resource who takes messages from students who drop in or call. You can also arrange work, such as photocopying, budget paperwork for field trips and guest lecturers. You should let your program secretary know how to best reach you. Finally, your program secretary is responsible for processing your evaluations after you submit them.

Your Outreach Coordinator Ray Mobley,

The outreach coordinator works out of the admissions office, and does outreach for both Evening and Weekend Studies and Veterans. They are the first face many students new to the EWS program see. The outreach coordinator is a knowledgeable resource, and would love to hear your ideas for outreach locations.