Textbooks and desk copies

If you are teaching in a half time or greater program, you may have budgeted some of the cost of desk copies. Some publishers provide free inspection copies to assist you in determining if a particular book is suitable for your courses; nearly all will send a free desk copy, and requests can be made on the publisher’s web site. You’ll need to order textbooks for your students through the Evergreen bookstore as early as possible. There is a convenient link on your my.evergreen.edu page, and the order form will search the publisher, ISBN, etc. Textbook order deadlines for each quarter are listed on the bookstore website, and a reminder email is usually sent to all faculty. Late textbook orders result in huge extra costs, so please be aware of the textbook order deadlines for each quarter. Please let Jean Sullivan, the textbook buyer, know if you do not plan to have a textbook for your class.

Student and Program Information

You can view and interact with a variety of information related to your classes and students online at my.evergreen.edu, but first you must complete the FERPA (Federal Educational Right to Privacy Act) statement of understanding and agreement.

Once your FERPA agreement is complete, login to my.evergreen.edu using your network login and password (the same one you use to access Webmail). Then go Faculty Class Information. From there, you can see class lists, waitlists, and student contact details. You can also email students individually or in groups, and you can manage faculty signature overrides, if your class uses those restrictions.

Variable Credit Enrollment Options

Students are not allowed to register in your course or program for more or fewer credits than the number of credits advertised without specific approval from the EWS dean. If you want to offer different credit options, this must be approved in advance and explained in your course or program description. Reduced credit enrollments are not permitted because our learning community teaching expects all members to participate with the same commitment.  Additional work beyond that planned in your syllabus should be pursued through an individual learning contract.

Signature Authorization

If your class requires that students obtain a faculty signature before registering, you can go to my.evergreen.edu and enter an electronic permission. Students may also get a paper registration form from Registration and Records for you to sign.

Placing Items on Library Reserve

It’s a good idea to put copies of your program or class books on reserve for students who may have trouble affording texts or may have lost one. You can also put films or supplemental readings on reserve. To place items on reserve in the library, take the items to the circulation desk and fill out a reserve information slip. Please allow 24 hours for processing except for the first two weeks of each quarter, when processing may take longer. Items on open reserve may be checked out overnight. Personal items may be put on closed reserve and do not circulate outside the library. Contact the Library at ext. 6250 if you have questions.

Classroom Space

The Space Scheduling office will provide space scheduling directions via e-mail every quarter. If your assigned classroom needs to change, contact Space Scheduling at 360.867.6371. All room change requests may not be accommodated due to conflicting space use by other programs/courses. If you need a room for a special purpose outside of regular class times, contact spacescheduling@evergreen.edu.

Special Classroom Needs

For special media in all other spaces, the Media Services office can help you (ext. 6270) with many of these functions. Some rooms with audio and visual capabilities will require a brief proficiency lesson, so you must schedule this with Media Services before you are given a key to the equipment. Kathryn Ford at ext. 5517 gives regular AV orientations for the Sem II building. If you’d like to just check out equipment, such as a projector, contact Media Loan. You will need faculty identification in order to check out equipment.

Office Space, Mailboxes, E-mail and Voice Mail

Adjunct Faculty have shared office space in SEM II, building B. There are computers, telephones and desks in the shared workspace of the second and third floor of B wing. You will have keys to this area, which includes the mailbox area. If you don’t have your own phone extension, students may leave phone messages for you with the EWS Program Secretary for adjunct faculty housed in SEM II. The Program Secretary will leave messages for you in your mailbox, so please remember to check your mailbox when you are on campus. The phone extension for the EWS Program Secretary is 6588.

If you would like to have your own voice mail, Tricia Bateman can arrange this, even if you do not have your own office. You will be able to pick up your voice mail from any phone on or off campus.

If you have any issues with computer hardware or software, go to help.evergreen.edu, and the staff will refer your question, request, or problem to the right person. They will help set up your email account and can have your messages forwarded to another account, if you prefer.


Faculty teaching in half-time programs prepare a budget request in the spring prior to the year of their program. Final budget allocation for these programs is done by the Academic Budget Dean, David McAvity. Fill out your budget request through your my.evergreen.edu account, under Academic Resources.

If you are not teaching in a half-time program, you will share one small goods and services fund. Because we must spread this money out over the entire academic year among other faculty, we allocate $25 per course per quarter. Photocopying on campus is no longer charged to individual offices or programs, so do your copying on campus. For large copy jobs, use the Copy Center, which is now in the Bookstore. You can send them a pdf of your documents, and they will deliver finished jobs to your mailbox. See their web page at http://www.evergreen.edu/copycenter/.  Field trips, guest lecturers and other curricular activities can usually be accommodated if you request them through the EWS Program Coordinator in advance. In order to keep costs down, explore sharing costs of speakers or films with other academic programs or with student organizations. Consider using a web page, PowerPoint, or materials on reserve in the library to reduce your use of paper and photocopy charges.

Student Fees

If your course design and teaching requires additional resources beyond what we can accommodate in program and course budgets, you may determine a student fee that will be assessed to students when they register. These must be included in your curriculum proposal so they can be approved by the EWS dean and appear in the catalog before students register. Fees may not cover speakers but are usually charged for entrance fees for performances or museums, conference or special outside event registration, and any overnight accommodations. Do not charge a program free for motorpool costs for day trips, this is covered by your program budget.

Films, Slides and Audio

The Sound and Image Library provides a range of services and support for your academic classes. Please check the catalog under film and video to find available title. 

If you need audio, language or slide materials, you can contact Jane Fisher. We can purchase language materials for your students to use and transfer from tape to CD for easier use by students if needed.  We also can put the audio file on line for simple downloading.  We can transfer from record to CD to facilitate easier teaching in class. The library has a subscription to ARTstor which can be found under images on the main library catalog page. ARTstor is a database of over 500,000 images from around the world that can be used in powerpoint or the ARTStor online viewer. 

Helping Students write their own self-evaluations

Synthesis and reflection are essential components of Evergreen’s pedagogy.  One technique that assures that these qualities are part of all our programs and courses is to require all students to write self-evaluations.

You may require a printed student self-evaluation due the last day of class so you have the students’ perspective of what they did, what they learned and why it is significant to them. You need to keep copies of all students’ self-evaluations for your teaching portfolio.

The self-evaluation should focus on what students learned. Many faculty create workshops with writing prompts which help the students review their experience and write good self evaluations. Ask other faculty members to share their workshop outlines.