We will have seminar every class session starting on Monday, April 10. The seminar will be based on readings and on class material. Our formal reading assignments will be rather light, and it is expected you read the material a couple of times before class. You will prepare a preparation page for the seminar. You will keep one page for the seminar and turn in the second before class. You may have some specific questions to address in this preparation paper, as well as discussion points and questions from your reading. These papers will be a requirement for full credit.
In particular, this paper can be in outline format, but should relate the reading assignment to your own prior knowledge or experiences. How does the reading agree or disagree with what you know or you have observed? Give yourself enough information in the paper to prompt you for your specific experience or knowledge that supports or contradicts the reading. Include the page number of the passage in the book in question. Also, put the page and general question for a reading passage you do nut understand. Use the back side of the page if necessary, but print on both sides.
Your specific reading assignments will be found on the To Do list for each class day. In general, you will have between around 30 to 50 pages to read from the Kurzweil book, and roughly the same for the Shermer text each week. Again, there will be additional topics and questions to be prepared for and discussed in seminar as assigned. Seminars can be a very productive and essential part of the class. They can, however, be a waste of everyone’s time if you come in unprepared and uninformed. Have respect for your classmates and come ready to fully engage in conversation and discussion based on facts and prior reflections. Adequate seminar preparation and participation is expected for full credit for the program.