May 26:
– Read Reed, Chapter 18
– Review Kurzweil, Chapters 10, 11, Epilogue
– Prepare Seminar Notes
– Prepare for Brain Presentation.  Post to Forum
– Finish Portfolio Programs.  Put into FINAL folder
– Know the KNOW questions.   Final Exam on Monday
– Review Competencies.  Final next Wednesday
– EVALUATION,  Monday, June 8.

May 20:
– Read Reed, Chapter 10
– Practice Competencies
– KNOW the KNOW questions
– Read Kurzweil,  Chapters 10, 11, Epilogue- Finish all Portfolio Programs
– Finish preparation for Brain Presentation
– Try the DIVIDE Challenge for Assembly Lang
–  Watch the WATSON video.  Make notes/questions

May 18:
– Read Reed, Chapter 9
– Read Kurzweil, Chapter 9
– Prepare Seminar Notes
– Work on Competencies
– Code MasterMind and Portfolio Progs
– Try the Assembly Language Challenge
– Prepare for your Brain Group Presentation
– Review and Practice KNOW questions

May 13:  Do before class on May 18
– Watch Watson Video.  Prepare questions
– Read Reed, Chapter 16
– + Do Review Question, p 308-10,  2-22 evens.  Due May 18
– Play with 4 bit adder  Trace computer adding 2 numbers between 0 and 15
—— example  12 + 8  (1100 + 1000),   11 + 7 (1011 + 0111)
– Work on Mastermind
– Finish Portfolio programs
– Finish your Brain Group Presentation
– Post the Summary of your Indiv. Presentation to Forum
– Read Kurzweil, Chapter 9

May 11:  Start on the following before May 13:
– Read Reed, Chapter 16
– + Do Review Question, p 308-10,  2-22 evens.  Due May 18
– Play with 4 bit adder  Trace computer adding 2 numbers between 0 and 15
—— example  12 + 8  (1100 + 1000),   11 + 7 (1011 + 0111)
–  Practice changing from base 2 to 10 and back.  Try to simulate binary adding
– Practice (practice, practice) Competencies
– Work on Mastermind
– Communicate with Brain Group:  Prepare Presentation  Start May 20
– Finish Portfolio Programs.  Post
–  Prepare for Seminar:  Kurzweil, Chapter 7 and 8

May 6:  Due by May 11
– + Do Chapter review questions, p 270-271, evens only.  Turn in on the 11th
– Play with the Knob and Switch simulation, Ch 14 Reed
– Finish Kurzweil, Chapter 7.  Read Chapter 8
–  Practice Competencies
–  Prepare and/or Post your Presentation
–  See if you can code the z’s in the MM code
–  If you are trying to do the 8 puzzle, meet/plan/discuss
–  Finish all programs in your cubbie.  Think about MM code

May 4:  Due May 6 or May 11 as noted:
– Read Reed Chapter 14 carefully
– + Do Chapter review questions, p 271, evens only.  Turn in the 11th
– Play with the Knob and Switch simulation, Ch 14 Reed
– Finish Kurzweil, Chapter 7,  up to page 155
– + Prepare seminar notes the first half of Ch 7 on paper, Due May 6
– Practice Competencies, Finish TTT, Start on MasterMind
– Finish Presentations,  Post to Forum

April 29:  Due before class, May 4
– Read carefully Reed, Chapters 17 and 15 on Arrays and Strings
-Run the example programs for Chapter 15 and 17. Experiment with code
-Practice Read code and Write code competencies
-Read Kurzweil,  Chapter 7, up to page 155
-Finish your Tic Tac Toe program.
– Experiment with MasterMind.  What would be a ‘Good Move’?
– Practice Read Functions Competency
——- More examples:   readFunctions1  ReadFunctions2
Prepare for your Presentation next time in class.

April 27:  Due before class, April 29
– Practice Read Code and Write Code Competency
– Practice Function Read Competency on this site
– +Do Solve by Exhaustion Problem.  Turn in source code Wednesday
– Prepare for Presentation.  Post to Forum
–  Read Reed, Chapter 5.  Try example problems for Ch 5
–  Check answers for Chapter 8
–  Finish Move 3 on TTT,  Work on Move 4
–  + Re-Read Kurzweil HTCAM Ch 5 and 6.  Prepare notes
–  Practice Competencies, Read Code, Write Code, Read Functions
–  Review KNOW questions

April 22:  Due before class on April 27
– +Read REED, Chapter 8. Do EVENS #2-22 on page 152  Turn in April 27
– Code Tic Tac Toe through move 3.  Start on Move 4.  Take small steps
– Practice Read Code and Write Code Competencies
– Review questions on the KNOW link on the top of this page
– Skim read the Reed textbook,  Chapters 4 and 7.  Try example programs
– Read Kurzweil, Chapter 5 and 6
– Prepare for your Presentation.  Make Powerpoint and document sources
– Fix all programs not working in your cubbie.   Get help if needed

April 20:  Due before class on April 22
– Finish and check your Craps program. Turn in a paper listing in class April 22
– Read REED, Chapter 8. Do EVENS #2-22 on page 152
– Code Tic Tac Toe through move 3.  Make SURE you get help if/when stuck
– Practice Read Code and Write Code Competencies
– Review questions on the KNOW link on the top of this page
– Skim read the Reed textbook,  Chapters 4 and 7.  Try example programs
– Read Kurzweil, Chapter 4.    Prepare to Seminar
– Prepare for your Presentation.  Make Powerpoint and document sources
– Fix all programs not working in your cubbie.   Get help if needed

April 15:  Do the following before class on April 20
1.  Reed Reed, Chapter 12.  Play with the Data Simulator if you can
2.  Try and finish Tic Tac Toe through move 3.  Start on Move 4
3.  + Code Craps from the class English instructions.  Due in cubbie April 20
4.  Practice at least a couple of Read Code problems
5.  Read Kurzweil, HTCAM, Chapter 4 carefully.  Take notes
6.  Finish your preparation for your Presentation.  We will start next week
7.  See me for Make-up work for missing assignments
8.  Get help from the Forums, study groups, online or email

April 13:  Do the following before class on April 15
1.  +Write an english set of directions to figure out where to put the 3rd X in TTT
2.  +Write an english set of directions to play CRAPS
3.  Play with the TTT Template program.  Fix move 2 and start on move 3
4.  Read Reed, Chapter 13.  skim and try example code.  Come with questions
5.  + Read and reflect on the Kurzweil Ch 3 (HTCAM).  Prepare Seminar notes
6.  Practice Read Code examples
7.  Know, Know, Know the Know questions on the website for class next time
8.  Research your Presentation topic and prepare Powerpoint or other materials
9.  Make sure you make up any missing work.  See me.  STAY CURRENT
10.  Look for me online, look to Forums for help, email others or me.  Get Help

April 8:  Do the following before class on April 13:
1,   +Finish Chapter 3 Review questions, page 58-9, odds only, due before class Apr 13
2.  +Finish Chapter 6 Review questions, page 116-7, odds only, due before class Apr 13
3.  Read Reed, Chapter 11.  Look at and run/tweak example code
4.  Read Kurzweil HTCAM, Chapter 3, carefully.  Contemplate questions
5.  +Finish Change program and Personal Website.  Put in cubbie before the end class Apr 13
6.  Look at the Grade Program (has ” bugs).. and the Movie Programs on the website.  Check code/explore
7.  Play with the W3school tutorials of comparison and if statements (see classes/week2/april 8)
8. + Make a contribution to the JOBS and Technology Forum  Research presentation topic
9.  Log into your email account.  Look for me online.  Ask questions via chat with me/other students
10.  Use the HELP forum to get and give help. Form and use study groups.

April 6:  Start on all of the following before class on April 8:
1.  Read Reed, Chapter 3 and 6
2.  + Do Chapter 3 Review questions on paper, page 58-9, odds only, due April 13
3.  + Do Chapter 6 Review questions on paper, page 116-7, odds only, due April 13
4.  Read Reed, Chapter 11.  Look at and run/tweak example code
5.  Read, Comtemplate, and Prepare for Seminar #1,  HTCAM Intro, Ch 1 and 2
6.  + Prepare 1-2 page paper with summary/critique/questions/examples of reading
7.  + Work on Change program and save as change.html in your cubbie.  Try extensions
8.  + Finish Form Letter program and save as formletter.html in your cubbie
9.  + Finish Personal Website:  Save in cubbie, under PersonalWebsite.html
10. + Make a contribution to the JOBS and Technology Forum
11. Add me to your gchat/hangout email (
12.  Form study groups using About Me, HELP forum, or contact during class time

April 1:  Do the following tasks before class on April 6:
— Finish and turn in the chapter 1 review question from Reed, odds #1-21.  Due before class starts.
— Start making changes to your Personal Website from the template provided
— Start programming the Form Letter program.  Come with questions April 6.
— Read Reed, Chapters 2 and 3
— Read Carefully and take notes on How to Create a Mind, Intro, Ch1 and Ch2.
— Form study groups, reply to About Me, Use Help Forum for questions, Help other students

March 30:  The following tasks must be completed before the start of class on April 1.  Items marked with a “+” will be graded and/or collected.  Late assignments will not be accepted, but must be turned in at a later date for a reduced score.  Make SURE you check the To Do list well before class to make sure everything is done.

– Make plans to secure access to the Reed Textbook by this weekend.  I have put a text in the Closed reserve section of the library and it can by read or partially copied there if you cannot secure a copy another way
– If you have the text, start reading Chapter 1.  Start on the odd problems (#1-21) at the end of the chapter
– If you have the text, start skimming Chapters 2 and 3
– Go to the website:  Run some of the example programs.  Change some part of the data and See Results.  Play and come with questions
– Run the Personal Website template   Think about what information you would include for your adaptation of this site
– Make sure you email me at    Let me know any learning or other issues I need to know about
– Make an entry into the About Me forum on the website
– Review carefully the website, especially the syllabus and particularly the Covenant.   Come with questions on Wednesday
– Review your notes from class on Monday.  There will be a short quiz at the start of class on Wednesday
– Prepare any communication tools (email, skype, etc..) or text editors (notepad) on your home computer.
– Begin reading the Intro and first 2 chapters of How to Create a Mind.   Take notes and think about questions
– If you have particular questions, make an entry into the General Help forum on the website


May 17:  The following are all to be completed in 2 weeks,  May 31
– Read Reed, Ch 9, Chapter 10

– Do extra assignments:  Battleship, Craps2, etc
– Read Kurzweil, Chapters 6, 7, and 8
– Prepare a 2-3 page critique/questions/analysis of Kurzweil
–  Do Machine Language programs:  Try challenge:  Divide

If you are not going to attend class on May 24:
—–  Watch and critique  PBS  Watson video
——- Either help (Tutor) or get help from other students for Competencies
——–  Watch and Make Contributions to LINK videos in Forum on Blog
** Next week in class we will:  Take and Review competency exams, perhaps twice,  Work on all other programs, including extra credit programs,  Finish Presentations, Tutor and Tutee competencies, Watch and discuss Watson video,  General Help session