This is the Seminar Reading schedule for the program.  All the readings are from the book HOW TO CREATE A MIND, by Ray Kurzweil.  Before every seminar you must bring your book and prepare a page to several page critique on the assigned reading to include:  points you agree with, issues you have with the reading,  book ideas or assertions you are unclear about, and your analysis of the reading.  Be prepared to submit this paper on the seminar day.  Thursday will be seminar day.

Week 1:  Read Introduction, and Chapter 1 and 2
Week 2:  Seminar 1.  Read Chapter 3
Week 3:  Seminar 2,   Read Chapter 4
Week 4:  Seminar 3,   Read Chapter 5 and 6
Week 5:  Seminar 4,   Read Chapter 7 up to page 155
Week 6:  Seminar 5,   Finish Reading Chapter 7,  Chapter 8
Week 7:  Seminar 6,   Read Chapter 9
Week 8:  Seminar 7,   Read Ch 10 and 11,  Epilogue
Week 9:  Seminar 8.  Read Epilogue, Review Text.  Summarize
Week 10:  Summary Seminar