1.  Review
–  Diagrams, 6 things, etc.. plus:
—–  change base 2 to base 10 and visa versa
—–  show how a computer adds 2 base 10 numbers
—–  what will keep you safe from being replaced by a computer?
—–  How does a faster clock, bigger bus or bigger word size make a computer faster?
—–  Why does making the computer smaller make it faster?

2.  Individual Presentation

3.  Group Brain Presentation Meeting

4.  Competency Help/ 8 Puzzle

5.  How the Computer actually works:
—-  adding binary numbers:
—-  Transistors
—-   Gates
—–  Adder

6.  Branch, Compare, Store I/O?

7.  Watch it work:  Assembly Language

8.    2 Dim arrays
—-How arrays work:  Types and pointer addition
Battleship Template

9.  Nested Arrays

10.  To Do

11.  Competency Exam

12.  Work Time