You are going to write a javascript program to figure out the price of a movie ticket.  The rules are the following:  Adults pay $8,  Students $5, and Kids are free.  If you have a coupon, the fee is reduced 1$.  On Wednesday the tickets are half price.  For example, an adult on Wednesday with a coupon would be charged $3.50  (8-1/2 ).  On Thursday an adult with a coupon would be charged $7.  Your program will find the price of a ticket for all conditions.

Your task is to finish a decision table.  We started this in class, and hopefully you took notes, but below is another start:

Round 1:

Type of TIcket:   A  S  K

Round 2:

Type of TIcket:    A  S  K  A  S  K
Coupon?:          Y  Y  Y  N  N  N

Round 3:

Type of Ticket:    A  S  K  A  S  K  A  S  K  A  S  K
Coupon?:          Y  Y  Y  N  N  N  Y  Y  Y  N  N  N
Wednesday?      Y  Y  (you finish)

Result:               3.5 2  (you finish)