1.  Where we are going:
—– Consilidation
—– Competencies:  DO the computer Basics
—– Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems
—– Finish Presentations/Group Brain Pres.
—– Politics, Computers, and Inequalty
—– How the Computer Works: Transistors and Gates
—– TTT, MasterMind, 8 puzzle*
—– Computer Science
—– Will Computers be Alive?  Human?  god?
—– What does in mean to be Human? Psych/Philosophy
—– How does humanity matter?
—– Final:  Content and Competencies

2.   In the News

3.  Review:  Object Oriented Programming and Cupcakes

4.  Event Programming
—-  Event Counting
—- Event Averaging
—-Objects, Methods Example:  Buttons

5.  Craps with Events and Graphics
—-  Dice
—-  Craps with Events:  Finish

6.  Seminar

7.   What is an Array?
—-How does and Array Work?  A Simple Model
——–  OS finds list junk starts at address 2500.  Where is number junk[7]?
—- Find a value in an array:  Example
—- Put a value in an array
—–Use a variable for the subscript
—–Array User Input
Average an array of numbers
Array Competency Template

8.  Array Competency Practice

9.  Strings

10.  Competency Practice/Programs