1.  Review Quiz:

2.  Add to Model:  RAM, ROM, OS, BIOS, Sec Storage, IO, Software, Hardware (Limits), Bit/Byte, Why 8?

3.  Why Binary?  The Digital (vs Analog) Revolution
—– Which represents reality?   Why Digital?   Model vs Real

4.  Networks and the Internet
—–  Why Networks?  Two heads better than one
—–  Networks vs Internet
—–  WWW vs Internet
—–  HTML, Browser, HTTP, Packets, URL, Servers, TCP/IP, IPaddress, Domain Name, ISP, Chrome, Client

5.  Running HTML
—- Notepad and Cubbies
—- Running Programs: copy, paste, change, save as html, run, change..
—- Practice  http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_examples.asp

6.  Using Computers:  Tools, Tutor, Tutee, Telcom, Thinking (and Fun)
—- When do tools hinder progress?
—- Computers don’t teach, Teachers teach?
—- The Programming Model

7.  JavaScript:  What and Why?
—- The basics:  Input, Output, Add, Store, Compare, Branch
—- Play:
—- Form Letter:
—- Tic Tac Toe

8.  To Do List

9.  Work Time