Covenant:  Faculty-Student Covenant: Cognition and Computing,  Spring 2015

EVALUATION:  Evaluation will be based on two criteria.  You will be given credit by completing the required activities and demonstrating you have learned the required content.  I will then complete a narrative description of how well you performed on the activities and content.  In addition, I will include in the narrative information about your participation and involvement with the program.

PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS:  To receive full credit for this program students will:
1.  Complete all course assignments
2.  Pass content examinations
3.  Pass 6 programming competencies
4.  Complete at least 2 class presentations
5.  Attend the class sessions and participate in activities

ASSIGNMENTS:  Students will have several reading assignments per week that must be completed before the next class.  Reading comprehension will be evaluated periodically by examinations and review questions.  There will be several programming assignments in this course.  You will be given a working program and then be asked to make a list of modifications, extensions, or improvements.  You will need to submit on the due date an extension of the existing program, reflecting your best effort at program development.    I will have a couple of dates when you can submit missed assignments for partial credit.  If you miss these dates you will need to make up the work by doing a presentation or report that you clear through me.  The bottom line is.. check the TO DO list and make sure you have the requirements done before class.  This will be, by far, your easiest route through the class.

EXAMINATIONS:  I will have a number of announced and unannounced quizzes and tests throughout the class over readings and course material.  You will need to demonstrate that you know the material at some positive level in order to receive credit, and the level you attain will be noted in the narrative evaluation.  There may be some retest opportunities, but it will be better to stay current on your acquisition of knowledge.

PROGRAMMING COMPETENCIES:  There will be 6 programming competencies you must pass to receive credit for this program.  You will have ample time to demonstrate your knowledge, and all the competencies can be passed with adequate work.  Most will involve your ability to read and write code, and therefore learn to ‘think’ like a computer.  You will have as many chances to pass these competencies as you need.

PRESENTATIONS:  You will have at least 2 required presentations that you will give in front of the class.  Each will be between 3 and 5 minutes.  The first will be a presentation on how computers are being used, and perhaps will be used, in the area of your planned future employment.  The second presentation will be on brain research.   In addition, you can do individual presentations to make up missed work, or for extra credit.  We may add a presentation if a topic presents itself that is of interest to the class.

ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION:  There are only 19 sessions for this course due to Memorial Day, so each class is very important.  It is expected that you will be in attendance for each class and for the entire class.  This is particularly true for the first 5 weeks of the program.  If an unavoidable circumstance arises, and you let me know, you can miss one class (total 4 hours or less) without credit penalty as long as you make up the work and conduct some extra activity requiring more than the missed class time to complete.  Any additional class time missed may result in a partial or total loss of credit.   By far the easiest and preferred route for the program is to attend all class sessions.  It is also assumed that you participate fully in every in-class activity.  Non-participation will result in credit loss, and insufficient participation will be reflected in the narrative evaluation.  Full and enthusiastic participation will also be noted in the narrative evaluation.

CREDIT ASSIGNMENT:  Satisfactory completion of all course requirements will result in the full 8 credits being awarded.  6 credits will be awarded if there is a missing requirement, but more than 3/4 of the requirements are completed.  4 credits will be awarded if over half but less than 3/4 of the requirements have been met.  If you know you have not met a requirement, please see me to discuss your credits.

COOPERATION VS COPY:   Working together and sharing your knowledge and ideas is highly encouraged.  Copying of work will not be allowed, and may result in loss of credit.  Especially with programming, you might want to work together and share ideas.  Just copying and pasting code, however, is easy to detect and of no educational value.  Explain and guide, do not copy.  This would apply obviously to tests and all assignments as well. When working collaboratively, cite the contributions of each participant, as well as your own contribution.

UNEXPECTED CIRCUMSTANCES:  Occasionally, problems arise during the course.  I am willing to work with you to resolve the problems in a mutually acceptable manner, with the assumption that the alternative is fair to the other students in the program.  It is expected that the alternative we develop will be more difficult and time consuming than the regular path through the course.  It is also expected that every effort to solve the problem without changing the parameters of the course will be exhausted.  It is further assumed that there may not be a solution that can be found and credit may be lost.

WORKLOAD EXPECTATIONS: The usual expectation for a course is two hours out of class per every hour in class.  If you are significantly exceeding 16 hours per week on assignments and work, make sure it is by your choice.  Otherwise, contact me with your time issue and we will come up with a solution.  On the other hand, if you are putting in less than 10 hours per week, you are in need of additional diligence in the quality, quantity, and depth of your work.  Monitor your time investment and make sure it is productive and efficient.

GENERAL EXPECTATIONS: It is expected that all participants in this program will be socially responsible and enter into the program in a spirit of good will. This means, among other things, that they will be on time and prepared for all their classes (lectures, workshops, seminar, laboratories, etc.); that they will consider the effects of their actions on others as well as themselves (for example, failure to participate actively in program activities such as workshops, labs, and seminar seriously undermines the effectiveness and morale of other students); that, should problems arise, they will deal directly with the parties involved with civility and tolerance.

PROGRAM CONTENT AND DESIGN: The nature and extent of material covered in the program is the responsibility of the faculty. Cognition and Computing integrates the subjects of programming, cognition, and computer science. All students are expected to participate in all portions of the program unless prior arrangements have been made with faculty.

SELF AND FACULTY EVALUATIONS:  We will have a 10-15 minute conference at the conclusion of this program.  I will present my evaluation narrative, and discuss it with you.  I will correct any errors or omissions.  I will also need a faculty evaluation before I submit your evaluation.  We will discuss your feedback for me as well.  I will look forward to obtaining and using your feedback for future classes.  It is assumed, however, that concerns or problems with instruction will communicated to me as soon as they occur prior to evaluation time so that they can be addressed and problems solved if possible.

GRIEVANCE: Should an unresolved disagreement occur between the student and the faculty team, students have the right to follow the normal college grievance procedures described in the student handbook.