Civic Intelligence — What’s Next? 

We wanted to give you some advance notice on an upcoming event — which we hope you (and family, friends, and colleagues) can attend.

On June 3, the last Saturday of Spring quarter, students of CIRAL and the Global Hunt for Civic Intelligence will be convening the second Civic Intelligence Symposium! As with many of the great suggestions that have improved CIRAL over the years, the proposal to organize a symposium was made by a student.

We are envisioning this as a full-day event and we will publish the schedule in advance so you can attend the events that seem most interesting. 

We’re thinking — of course — about how to organize the symposium in a civically intelligent way in order to promote more civic intelligence! One of the main ideas behind this symposium is thinking about ways to move civic intelligence forward, institutionally, geographically, numerically, and demographically.

We are also trying to figure out a good way to promote and publicize your projects. You, of course, can do this on our FaceBook page (, to the CIRAL mailing list ( or via our Twitter account is @GlobalHunt4CI (please Follow, and use #CIRAL or #civicintelligence in your tweets). Beyond that, however, we do want to figure out a good way to do this at the symposium. Perhaps with posters?

I’m also in the active listening mode for ideas for ongoing projects in civic intelligence. I’m retiring from Evergreen at the end of spring quarter (!!) and I’d (as you might suspect) like to keep working to promote civic intelligence at Evergreen, in the greater community, and in the world beyond. I think you’d agree that we need it! So, let’s talk about those ideas!

One of the things that we’d like to see is more support for you all — in finding meaningful employment, starting organizations or businesses, developing collaborative projects, and, in general, cultivating civic intelligence for a more just and sustainable world.