Please be advised there are two types of Registration.

If you are an Evergreen Faculty, Student, or Staff member,  see: Registration for Evergreen Community

Otherwise, see instructions below.


– Due no later than March 11th –

CAPN 2016 Registration form

Please print out this form and mail it with your registration fee to:

Ulrike Krotscheck

Sem 2, A2117

The Evergreen State College

2700 Evergreen College Pkwy NW

Olympia WA, 98505.

Must be received by March 11th if you want lunch. Please make out checks to CAPN. Do not send cash! 


Name:________________________________________ CAPN member? Y/N


Email Address:___________________________________________________________________

Registration fee enclosed: $65 (CAPN member or public) This fee includes all conference meals and Friday reception ________

Registration fee enclosed: $35 (graduate students)________

New or Renew CAPN membership: $10 _____

Will attend Friday reception? Y/N

Food preferences: Vegetarian/Vegan/Meat (circle one)