UPDATE: The deadline has been extended to January 31st, 2016! Please submit your paper abstract to the address below.

We invite papers on any aspect of Graeco-Roman antiquity; especially welcome are papers that are likely to be of broad interest and make connections among the different elements of the ancient world. Such connections can be between Greek society and Roman society, between different disciplines such as literature and history, or between different genres of literature. Teachers and students of the Classics at any level of instruction (K-12, college, or university) may submit abstracts; all papers will be judged anonymously by the Program Committee, chaired by CAPN President Ulrike Krotscheck. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted by email to ulrikek@evergreen.edu.  You should receive a response by mid-February.  Presented conference papers should be no more than 20 minutes in length.

For further information, contact Ulrike Krotscheck (ulrikek@evergreen.edu) at The Evergreen State College.
Hope to see you all there,