To Do::   Have a GREAT summer!

The following tasks must be completed before the start of class on the date specified.  Items marked with a “+” will be graded and/or collected.  Late assignments will not be accepted, but must be turned in at a later date for a reduced score.  Make SURE you check the To Do list well before class to make sure everything is done.  If you have any questions about the assignment, please ask in class as we go over the assignment or ask via email or gchat.

May 25:  Due last day of class,  June 1
– Read Kurzwiel,  Epilogue
– Review Shermer, Kurzweil
– Identify 5 things you agree with
—- and disagree with for each book
– Write a list of support for each
—– agreement and disagreement
+ Turn in a copy of this paper
–   Review the KNOW questions
–  Prepare for Content exam
–  Prepare for final Competency Exam
–  Finish programs:  Put in FINAL folder
–  Post a paragraph summary and
—– sources for your group project

May 23:  Due before class on May 25
+ Prepare Seminar Notes, Kurzweil Ch 10 and 11:  Turn In
–  Practice and perfect Competency Exam
–  Finish TTT and MasterMind
–  Review KNOW questions
–  Put finished programs into FINAL folder in Cubbie
–  Work on extensions / Extra programs

May 18:  Due Before Class,  May 23
–  Finish Preparation for Brain Presentation
–  Practice and Perfect Competencies
–  Read Kurzweil, Chapters 10 and 11
–  Finish MasterMind program.  Put in Cubbie
–  Finish old programs, put in FINAL folder
–  Add extensions to programs, Extra progs
–  Review KNOW question

May 16:   Due before class, May 18
– Read Kurzweil, Chapter 9
+ Prepare Seminar Notes, Turn In
– Work on Competencies
– Code MasterMind and Portfolio Progs
– Try the Assembly Language Challenge
– Prepare for your Brain Group Presentation
– Review and Practice KNOW questions

May 11:  Due before class, May 16
–  Read Kurzweil, Chapter 9
– Read Shermer, Chapters 10 and 11
–  Finish MasterMind,  Work on Extension
–  Practice Competencies
–  Work on Brain Presentation
–  Finish and Extend Portfolio
–  Work on BRAIN presentation
–  Play with Adder
–  Look at Machine Language link

May 9:  Due before class on May 11
– Review Kurzweil, Ch 8, Shermer Ch 8-9
+ Turn in Seminar Prep
–  Study and Practice Competencies
–  Find study partners for Competencies
–  Finish MM program:  Extensions
–  Finish all old Portfolio programs
–  Review KNOW questions:  Test Wed

May 4:  Due before class on May 9:
– Read Kurzweil,  Chapter 8
– Read Shermer, Chapter 8 and 9
– Work on the TTT program.
—- Make a good second move
– Finish all programs in Portfolio
– Start Research for Group Brain Presentation
– Review Notes/KNOW
– Post the summary and Sources for you Presentation
– PRACTICE and Perfect Competencies
—-  Find/Be a Tutor

May 2:  Due before class on May 4:
–  Re-read Kurzwiel Ch 7,  Shermer Chapter 7
+ Turn in Seminar Notes.  Prepare for Seminar
–  Practice Array and Function Competency
–  Prepare for Competency Exam
–  Finish TTT,  other Programs.  Put in Cubbie
–  Look at Mastermind and/or 8 Puzzle
–  Post your Presentation Summary/Source
–  Think about BRAIN group presentation interest

April 27:  Due before class on May 2:
-Read Kurzweil, Chapter 7
-Read Shermer, Chapter 7
-Play with example programs for Classes/April 25
-Think about a strategy for MasterMind
-Finish all old programs.  Add to TTT and Craps2
– Practice Competencies
– Make your summary post to the Job Presentation Forum

April 25:  Due before class, April 27
!!!  Review and be prepared to ACE the KNOW questions
– Practice Read Code and Write Code Competency
– Practice Function Read Competency on this site
– +Do Solve by Exhaustion Problem. Check link Apr 25
—— Turn in source code and answer on Wednesday
–  Post to Forum your Presentation Summary and sources
–  Finish TTT and all old programs.  Put in cubbie
–  + Re-Read Kurzweil HTCAM Ch 6 and Shermer Ch 6.  Prepare notes
–  Practice Competencies, Read Code, Write Code, Read Functions
–  Review KNOW questions again..

April 20:  Due before class on April 25
– Code Tic Tac Toe through move 3.  Start on Move 4.  Take small steps
–  Get help if you are stuck.  Use study groups, QUASR, Forum, Email
– Practice Read Code and Write Code Competencies
– Review questions on the KNOW link on the top of this page
– Read Kurzweil, Chapter 6
–  Read Shermer,  Chapter 6
– Prepare for your Presentation.  Make Powerpoint and document sources
–  Post your Presentation summary and sources to the Jobs/Tech Forum
– Fix all programs not working in your cubbie.   Get help if needed

April 18:  Due before class on April 20
– Code Tic Tac Toe through move 3&4.  Make SURE you get help if/when stuck
– Practice Read Code and Write Code Competencies
– Review questions on the KNOW link on the top of this page
– Read Kurzweil, Chapter 4&5, Shermer Ch 5
+ Prepare 1-2 page seminar prep paper.  Turn in 1, keep one
– Prepare for your Presentation.  Make Powerpoint and document sources
– Fix all programs not working in your cubbie.   Get help if needed

Do the following before class on April 18:
+  Finish Craps.  Print out a paper listing.  Put English directions on back
+  Put the TTTTemplate code in your cubbie.  Either fix the move 2
—– where you put X in the top right unless there is a 0 in position
—– 4 or 7,  OR email me with what you have tried to solve this problem
– Finish the Number Guess program.  Put in Cubbie
–  Add a ‘play again’ option and total money to Number Guess
–  Work on Move 3 for TTT,   divide into subproblems and test each
–  Use TTT forum either to get or give help
–  Read Shermer- Chapter 5 and Kurzweil-  Ch 4 and 5
–  Finish your presentation preparation for your job and technology
——-  Have at least 3 sources.  Make a ppt/other – Put on USB/WS
– Practice/Practice/Practice Read Code Competency
– See me if you need to make up work or attendance:  SOON!
– Review KNOW questions

Do the following before class on April 13
+ Finish the Number Guess Program from English and Template
+ Turn in the Movie program, and put your finished Decision Table on the back
– Write an english set of directions to play CRAPS
– Work on programming Craps.   Come with questions
– Write an english or Decision Table to figure out where to put the 3rd X in TTT
– Play with the TTT Template program.  Fix move 2 and start on move 3
+ ReRead Kurzweil Ch3,  Shermer Ch4:  Prepare Seminar Notes
– Practice Read Code examples
– Know, Know, Know the Know questions on the website for class next time
– Finalize your preparation for you 5 min Job Presentation.  Start on April 18
– Make sure you make up any missing work/attendance.  See me.  STAY CURRENT
– Look for me online, look to Forums for help, email others or me.  Get Help

Due before class, April 11:
–  Finish Change Progam.  Try extensions
+ Turn in paper listing with English on back
–   Read Kurzweil Chapt 3,  Shermer Chapter 4
–   Work on Movie Program and Decision Table
–   Research Job and Technology Presentation
–   Form Study Groups.  Get help online
–   Check Home Page often:   To Do link
–   Review Know link
–   Email me with questions, or catch me online

Due before class on April 6:
+ Finish the button/textbox version of the Form Letter for a Birthday
Use at least 5 inputs, and one calculated value.  Put in your cubbie
+ Finish your Personal Website, and put the files into a folder you
make in your cubbie called Personal Website
+ Prepare a 1-2 page Seminar Preparation for the Shermer text
Prologue, Part 1
+  Make a contribution to the Job and Technology Forum.  Read other posts
–  Work on both the English and JavaScript Change program.  Due Apr 11
—– Try extras like taxes and bill change.
——Turn in paper  JavaScript listing and initial English version on the back.
–  Read and reply to other posts in the About Me forum.  Form study groups
–  Add me to your hangouts:   Ask questions online
–  Ask questions in the Class Help Forum or email me at the above address

Due Before class on April 4
– ReRead Kurzweil, pages 1-34
– Prepare a 1-2 page Seminar Prep
+ Turn in one copy to me before class
– Read Shermer, Prologue, Part 1
– Finish Form Letter javascript program
+ Turn in listing of your program
– Work on your Personal Website
– Make sure you finish email/About Me
– Review notes.  Prepare for quiz
– Research technology for your job pres.
–  Form study groups.  Add me/others to gchat

May 30:
+ Make sure you email me at    Let me know any learning or other issues I need to know about
+ Make an entry into the About Me forum on the website
–  Purchase your textbooks.  Read Kurzweil: Intro,  Ch 1 and 2,  Shermer: Prologue, Part 1
– Go to the website:  Run some of the example programs.  Change some part of the data and See Results.  Play and come with questions
– Go to the website:  Play with examples.  Use the Try It editor.   Try to copy, paste, run and tweak  SimpleJavaScriptCode.html in editor
– Run the Personal Website template   Think about what information you would include for your adaptation of this site.   Save and alter the files found in this folder.  Work on making your own similar website.  Change the existing files.  Do not use a html editor.  Use notepad or similar text editor.  This is practice for our javascript programming.   If your changes do not work, return to the working program and try again.
– Review carefully the website, especially the syllabus and particularly the Covenant.   Come with questions on Wednesday
– Review your notes from class on Monday.  There will be a short quiz at the start of class on Wednesday
– Prepare any communication tools (email, skype, etc..) or text editors (notepad) on your home computer.
– If you have particular questions, make an entry into the General Help forum on the website
– Think about what your predict the area of your future employment.  Research how computers are affecting the way this job will be done and its future viability and demand.