You will prepare a 1-2 page typed preparation page for the Seminar on Monday, covering the Kurzweil book, pages 1-34.    Read the text first, then have a paper with you as you re-read the text.   Prepare a half page outline or summary of the content.  Then in the remaining half to page and a half, write a list of statements or quotes from the reading, and give your reaction.  This may include a question, a disagreement argument, an agreement argument, a supporting or negating argument from your own prior reading, experience, or learning.    You will make 2 copies of this single page (both sides?), and use one during the Seminar, and the other you will turn in to me before class.  This is a required activity, and must be made up or replaced with a larger activity.   Multiple failures to turn in this page, however, will affect your evaluation.   For everyone’s benefit, come prepared to contribute fully to the Seminar discussions!