You will have 2 types of presentations for this course, formal and informal.  The formal presentations will consist of the following:

Individual research report:   The default topic for this presentation will be to research how technology is changing the demand and content of a job you are interested in doing in 2-10 years.   What are the new developments and how will it change the job?   Alternatively, you can research a new technology and discuss how it may change computing and society.  In particular, you can review one of the topics discussed in Kurzweil, Ch 3.   Before you begin, make sure there is not another student doing the same topic by looking at the Jobs forum.  Reserve your topic by making and entry outlining your presentation topic.   Review research, articles, books, online content, etc to develop your presentation.  Keep track and record all of your sources.  Instead of a number of sources, the criteria is research time, which should be between 3 and 5 hours.  Make a powerpoint or other preparation, put it in your cubbie, and you can use this on the big screen in class during your 3-5 minute presentation.   You will post a review along with your sources in a forum I will post when the presentations begin.   Don’t fret over the presentation.  We are all friends here.  Consider this a chance to share what you have learned about a topic you care about.

Group Cognition Report.  You will work with a group of 2-3 other students to research and present your findings on an area of cognition, perception, psychology, or philosophy related to computer technology.  You will be given details of this assignment later in the quarter.

Please take these assignments very seriously.  I will.  I may make an entry in your final evaluation based on your effort and product.   Insufficient performance may result in a loss of credit.  Practice your presentation and prepare a computer display as appropriate.  I may assign additional presentations based on our class time and progress.

Informal Presentations:  These presentations will be during the sharing time at the beginning of class called ‘In the News’.   During this program you will be looking for the application of technology into new areas, news on brain research or cognition, or other interesting items.  Informally you will share this and comment on the articles in class.   You may provide a link to the source in a forum.  In addition, presentations may be used to make up for missing required work if pre-approved.  Remember, however, that the regular pathway through the course, including ALL of the required assignments, will be the preferred and easiest one.  Any alternative should begin with the assumption that the alternative assignment will consist of extra effort and time when compared with the regular assignment.