
The Second Half:
—  How the Computer Does what it Does
—  Compare with neurons and Brain
—  Competencies: Functions and Arrays
—  Brain Group Presentations
—  Computer Science and AI
—  Humanity vs Models of Humanity

In The News

Competency Quiz

Review Competency

Competency #3:  Read Code Functions
—  Examples  Example2

— What are they and how do they work?
—  Example:  User Input  Average
—  Competency #4:  Template

Sample Array Competency:

Software Crisis

Object Oriented Programming
—  XeroxPARC
—  Mac/GUI/Events:
———  Count and Average
—  1984
—  Object Orientation:
—  Define:  Group/Exception
—  Make a new Credit Union SW

Strings,  Buttons,  ETC….   I/O  Robotics

BRAIN Group Project

TTT:  Return Code
—  Algorithm

To Do

Work Time