Welcome to Computers and Cognition, Spring 2016:

How to prepare for the intelligence revolution where computer technology replaces what was once the sole province of the human mind.  (IF, When, So What?)

Today:  Who-  Relationships and Discussions
Why-   Reason for our efforts
What- What our efforts will be
How-   How we will reach or goals

1. WHO?  Introductions:

a. Me:
Work: HS, Pierce, Saint Martin’s, TESC  (NG, Coach, Software Developer, Habitat)
Education: Math/Sci, Counseling Psy, Comp Sci
Personal: Family, Travel, Hiking, Outdoors
That stupid camel..
Questions:  Point of view:  Dichotomies

b. You:
Roll, Personal, Computer background, Future Job
RELATIONSHIPS:  Point of view.   Take the time

c.  Wait list, adding students

2.  WHY?:  The ability to anticipate change in an increasingly volatile world.

Why take this program?  Credits?  Interest?  Something Important? Literacy?
Jobs.. Not just computer jobs.. What can and cannot be automated?
How can you protect yourself from technology?  What jobs are most at risk?
—– Roseburg Lumber,   Student Debt,    7 careers in your lifetime
—– How can you choose wisely a career path?  What can be automated?
Even more importantly, How will technology affect society?
—–  Hawking’s (and many others..) warning:  An existential Threat
—–  Terminator?
—–  What does it mean to be human?
You will decide.  Choose wisely!  Discuss wisely

Goal of this program:  Be able to discuss intelligently the difference between humanity and computer technology, both now and into the future, and to make a reasoned case for what your individual and our collective responses should be to the possibilities as well as the probabilities.

Discuss intelligently:  Facts and Issues involved.   Dichotomies.   Group Discussions
—–  True or False?  You are not entitled to your own facts if they are demonstrably wrong
True?      Group Discussion
—–   Where on the spectrum?
Computer    vs      Brain
Digital        vs             Analog
Science        vs            Spiritual
Determined   vs           Free Will
Automation   vs     Humanity
What does it mean to be human??

3. WHAT?  Overview of program
a. Website: sites.evergreen.edu/candc16
b. Syllabus and Covenant:
*How will I get my credits and good Evaluation?
c.  Communications
-email, chat, forums, other
d.  To Do list

4.  HOW?   Class Specifics:  Pedagogy
a.  Front Loaded:  Why??   Don’t get behind!
b.  Circular:  Know over time.  Tests/Credit  Competencies
-Why?   Lasting change of state,  Accountability
c.  GOAL:  Change
What you know, what you can do, what you believe
Convergent AND Divergent justification
Ability to discuss intelligently with both facts and reason
d.  Easier to do what you should when you should: TO DO
e.  Books vs Lecture
f.   Seminar preparation and Presentation preparation
g.  Extend reason to other topics:  Chunks and computers +-7
h.  Class time:  Lecture/Participation vs Lab
i.    Why??  Ask
j.   Your ideas:   Twitter?  Facebook?  etc..
k.  Getting Help:  1.  Tenacity, 2. Collegiality, 3. Responsibility
l.   Know,  Do,  Discuss Intelligently:   Group Discussion

5.  What is a computer and What can it do?

a.  Point:  Very simple, very fast, very powerful
-Euclid and Geometry
b.  Define Computer:  Simple Model: Diagram and Label   Paper shredder
Are we an IPO machine?  Digestion/Brain
Better model:   myfiles.evergreen.edu/academics/programs/candc16/Handouts/Model.jpg
What is missing??
c.   What can it DO?   List 6 things
d.   What can it understand??  Why Program??  What must be in a Prog Lang?  I/O
e    Paper shredder vs People vs Computer vs god
f.   How have (and will) computers change??  Faster, Storage, Cheaper..
g.   Model additions:   Name something..  Ram/Rom/OS/


 6.  Getting your feet wet..   Internet, HTML, JavaScript
– The Internet:  History, Backbone, HTML, Transmission, URL
HTML play:
Personal Website Template
– Individual Files:  Play, Notepad: Save/Change/Run
JavaScript Play:
JavaScript Grade Program
– Play in www3,  notepad
– Where are we going?    First, TTT  Mastermind,  8 puzzle

7.  TO DO

8.  Work Time:   9:45