Number guess program 1

Number Guess program 2

In this assignment, you will finish the number guess assignment we started in class. Make SURE you start by looking at the number guess template. Understand this program and evolve it into the code you want. Again, here are the rules- Remember, each line of english has a JavaScript equivalent. You need to translate.

Have the computer pick a random number between 1 and 100
Get a bet from the user
Get a guess from the user
While the player has less than 6 guesses and is not correct
—tell the user if they are too high or low
—add 1 to the guesses
—get another guess

If the player got the number on the first guess
—add 4 times their bet to their total
If the player got the number on the second guess
—add 3 times their bet to their total
If the player got the number on the third guess
add 2 times their bet to their total
If the player got the number on the 4th guess
—add the bet to their total
If the player got the number on the 5th guess
—tell the player they tied the computer
If the player never guessed the number
—subtract their bet from the total

Tell the user how much money they have

Extensions: See if you can play over and over (put the game in a while loop and ask if they want to play again) See if you can limit their bet to how much money they have- start at, say $500. Add other features if you can