Movie Program:

  1.  Run, tweak, and rerun the first Movie Program.    Change the code so that adults are $12 instead of 8
  2. Run, tweak, and rerun the second Movie Program.  Notice you need to reply ‘yes’ in the prompt box to see a result

You will write code to figure the price of a movie ticket.  Here are the rules:   Adults are $12,   Students are $9,   Kids under 6 are free,   Every Wednesday the tickets are half priced.  The paper has a coupon for $1 off that is good on any day, and applies to the lowest price,   Students with a coupon on Wednesday will pay $3.50:  9/2 – 1

  1.  Work on finishing the Decision Table page.   Check the link  Classes/April 6/Decision Table  Finish it.  Use it as a guide in your programming
  2.  Change the second Movie program on tiny piece at a time.   If it works, keep it as a new version, but keep the old.   If your next change does not work, then always go back to the previous working version.  Try to figure out what went wrong.  Try your fix.  If it works, save another version.   If not try again.   Seek help from others if you are ‘thrashing’, that is you have no idea what to try next.   DO NOT give up too quickly, however.  Just get help on the one piece, not the whole program.  See me if you are stuck.  Do your own work.  Help should not include coping.    Show help, do not DO it.
  3.   Turn in a working listing of your program.   Copy your Decision Table on the back of the listing