Textbooks for Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Edition, Gary L. Miessler, Paul J. Fischer, & Donald A. Tarr, Pearson Publishers, 2014, ISBN-13: 978-0321811059, ISBN-10: 0321811054

Textbooks for Instrumentation Laboratory: Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 7th Edition (strongly recommend purchasing an older edition) by D. A Skoog, F. J. Holler, and S. R. Crouch, Books/Cole/Cengage Publishers, 2018, ISBN 9781305577213. You will also need a lab coat, goggles, and a lab notebook. 

You need to have access to a molecular model kit.  If you are looking to purchase I recommend www.cochranes.co.uk/show_category.asp?id=43 [Orbit Organic and Inorganic Individual Set, Product Code: 0027]. If you have a model kit already there is no need to purchase one. You can also borrow one, if possible.