IN-PERSON in the Recital Hall in the Comm Bldg or live streamed on Zoom:
Catharina Manchanda is the Jon and Mary Shirley Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Seattle Art Museum.
Originally from Germany, Catharina Manchanda received her Ph.D. in art history from the City University of New York (2005), where she wrote her dissertation on conceptual art and photography in 1960-70s German art.
Recent and current exhibitions include: Joyce J. Scott: Walk a Mile in My Dreams, the artist’s 50-year career retrospective, co-curated with Cecilia Wichmann at the Baltimore Museum of Art (October 17 2024-January 19, 2025); Elizabeth Malaska: All Be Your Mirror (November 17, 2023-June 16, 2024). Upcoming: Bethany Collins: At Sea (November 14, 2024-May 4, 2025); Following Space: Thaddeus Mosley & Alexander Calder (November 20, 2024-June 1, 2025).